The 4th Nordic STS conference will be held at Tampere University, Finland, in 13–14 June. The purpose of the biennial Nordic STS conference is to promote exchange of ideas and collaboration among STS scholars by providing a regional forum for presenting on-going research, networking, and initiating new ideas and conversations.
The NEGATE project will organize one of the panels of the conference ‘Struggling with Ignorance and Uncertainty in the AI-driven Society’. How does the delegation of decision-making to machines change professionals’ work and their education systems? How do professionals and institutions handle the spread of disinformation and bullying generated by agents in social media and Internet? Regarding the transparency and accountability of data collection how do consumers and citizens can control and possess their personal data? We invite empirical, theoretical and methodological papers that address various aspects of AI-technologies related to issues of non-knowledge, ignorance and disinformation. More information about the panel here. Please submit your abstract (max 300 words) by 18 January 2019 here.