

Torkkola, S. 2022. Health communication and (ill)health in the digitalizing society and culture. presentation 8th November 2022, Universitat Rovira i Virgil, Tarrgona, Spain.

Sendra, A., Torkkola, S. & Parviainen, J. 2022. The COVID-19 vaccination campaign and the rise of the mediatization of ignorance. Paper presentation, the ECREA 2022 conference in Aarhus, 22 October, 2022.

Sendra, A., Torkkola, S. & Parviainen, J. 2022. Ignorance and mediatization in the context of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign. Median ja viestinnän päivät, (MEVI2022), 22-23 April 2022, University of Turku.

Parviainen, J. 2022 Nonknowledge and political decision-making in the age of the coronavirus. Keynote-lecture in the workshop “Theorising contestation of health and wellbeing: State of the art and how to move forward?”, 20 January 2022, University of Turku, Finland.


Parviainen, J. & Rantala, J. 2021. Chatbot breakthrough in health care along the Covid-19 pandemic: Ethical reflection on automated consultation in clinical practices. The SPT 2021 (The Society for Philosophy and Technology) Technological Imaginaries Conference, 28-30 June 2021, online.

Sendra, A. Torkkola, S & Parviainen J. 2021 ‘Professionalism and patienthood in the era of the digitization of healthcare’. Oral presentation. NordMedia conference, Reykjavik, Iceland,  18–20 August 2021.


Vuolanto, P. 2020. Critiques of the medical establishment within ‘everyday fringe medicine’: Ignorance or co-production of knowledge? The NEGATE workshop 12.11.2020, Tampere University

Koski, A., Parviainen, J. & Lahikainen, L. 2020. ‘That is how giants fall’: Organizational Ignorance, Arrogance and Non-knowledge in the Technology Leap. The NEGATE workshop 12.11.2020, Tampere University.


Ridell, S., Parviainen, J. & Lahikainen, L. Reconfiguration of infrastructures, reconfiguration of inequalities. Infrastructures and Inequalities: Media Industries, Digital Cultures and Politics, 21-22 October 2019 in Helsinki.

Parviainen, J., (2019) AI-driven Social Robots and the Reconfiguration of Interaction.  Theatre Academy,  Helsinki, 19 September 2019.

Parviainen, J. Ridell, S. & Lahikainen, L. Data bodies and the sociotechnical power of ignorance. Paper in the 3rd Data Power Conference, 12 – 13 September 2019, Bremen, Germany.

Torkkola, S. Vuolanto, P. & Parviainen, J. Social media and professional communication in the health care organization. Paper in NordMedia 2019, Communication, Creativity & Imagination, 21-23 August 2019, Malmö, Sweden.

Parviainen, J. Koski, A. & Lahikainen, L. Negative expertise and the erosion of professional Authority in the Post-Industrial Society. Paper in the WORK2019 Conference, The 4th International Interdisciplinary Conference on Research on Work and Working Life, 14-16 August 2019 in Helsinki, Finland.

Torkkola, S. Vuolanto, P. & Parviainen, J. Health professionals under the pressures of social media. Paper in IAMCT, the the annual conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research, 7-11 July 2019, Madrid, Spain.

Parviainen, J. The rise of AI-driven robot bodies and the reconfiguration of interaction. Keynote presentation in Embodied A.I. – Exbodied Mind GESTURE – PERCEPTION – ROBOTICS International Workshop 4-5 July 2019, Aachen, Germany.

Koski, A., Parviainen, J. & Lahikainen, L. Facing the unexpected: Organizational arrogance, ignorance, and unlearning in the technology leap. Paper in the CMS2019, the 11th International Critical Management Studies Conference, 27 – 29 June 29, 2019, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, UK.

Koski, A., Parviainen, J. & Lahikainen, L. Losing the technological edge: Arrogance, ignorance and unlearning in product development and innovation. Paper in the 4th Nordic STS conference, 13–14 June 2019, Tampere University, Finland.

Auvinen, P. & Palukka, H. The functions of a conversational protocol in community rehabilitation interaction. Paper in the 4th Nordic STS conference, 13–14 June 2019, Tampere University, Finland.

Vuolanto, P., Torkkola, S., Parviainen, J. & Lahikainen, L. The pressures of (dis)information on medical authority: Epistemological reflection on ignorance and non-knowledge in medicine. Paper in the 4th Nordic STS conference, 13–14 June 2019, Tampere University, Finland.

Parviainen, J. Robots in media: Ethical issues in media portrayals of care robotics. The ROSE research seminar 15 May, 2019, Aalto University, Espoo.


Parviainen, J. (2018) The rise of AI-driven robot bodies and the reconfiguration of interaction. Keynote presentation in Gestures and Artefacts: Diachronic Perspectives on Embodiment and Technology Conference. Nov 28 –Dec 1, 2018, Cologne, Germany.