Tampere Centre for Childhood, Youth and Family Research PERLA organises in collaboration with the Youth Work and Youth Research at the University of Tampere an open research seminar on youth work in contemporary societies. Youth work is a profession with particular ethos emphasising the special standing of young people in society as well as special competences needed in working professionally with young people. In the seminar, the specificities of youth work are analysed in transnational and local contexts.
TIME: Friday, January 12, 12-15 pm
PLACE: Väinö Linna lecture hall (1st floor), University of Tampere, Kalevantie 5
12.15 Päivi Honkatukia: Opening of the seminar
12.45 Dana Fusco: Youth Work: A Strategy for Social Progress?
Juha Nieminen: A short commentary
13.45 Break
14.00 Juha Nieminen & Anu Gretschel: The Social in Youth Work – Excerpts from
Finnish Youth Work Policy and History
Dana Fusco: A short commentary
15.00 Ending of the seminar
Dana Fusco is a Professor of Youth Studies and Education and the Chair of the
Department of Teacher Education at the School of Health Sciences and Professional
Programs at the York College of the City University of New York
Anu Gretschel works as a Senior Researcher in the Finnish Youth Research Network.
Her special interests are evaluation in youth work and youth participation.
Juha Nieminen is a university instructor of youth research and youth work at the
University of Tampere.
We warmly welcome all interested to participate!
We kindly ask you to register by filling out the following form: https://elomake3.uta.fi/lomakkeet/18617/lomake.html
More information: Päivi Honkatukia (paivi.honkatukia@uta.fi / 0503268458)