Tampere Centre for Childhood, Youth and Family Research PERLA organises an open research seminar on young people and intergenerationality. The concept of intergenerationality attempts to capture dynamics that build between people and groups occupying different generational positions, in various empirical and discursive settings, including notable contextual difference, yet also translocal and transnational links. In the seminar the theme will be discussed from the point of view of those who are deemed young people in the contemporary societies, be it by categorical definitions of age, social position giving, contextually negotiated identities, or other ‘placement’ in mundane communities or more broadly in the society.
TIME: Friday, March 9, 12-15 pm
PLACE: Linna K103 (1st floor), University of Tampere, Kalevantie 5
12.00 Päivi Honkatukia & Kirsi Pauliina Kallio: Opening of the seminar
12.15 Derek Ruez: Queer migrations and the publicly intimate politics of integration
13.00 Kirsi Pauliina Kallio:Leading refugee lives together:Familial agency as a political capacity
13.45 Coffee break
14.00 Magdalena Rek-Woźniak: Intergenerational inequalities and generational conflict in Poland – sociocultural and political contexts
14.45 Commentary by Päivi Honkatukia and discussion
15.15 Ending of the seminar
Dr. Kirsi Pauliina Kallio is Senior Researcher in RELATE Centre of Excellence, belonging to the Space and Political Agency Research Group at the University of Tampere. Her research falls at the interface between critical political geography, social theories of subjectivity and agency, relational spatial analysis, and politically oriented study of childhood and youth. Currently she is working on the topics of forced migration and refugeeness, and city-regional planning and citizenship.
Dr. Magdalena Rek-Woźniak is a researcher-lecturer in sociology at the University of Łódź. Her research interests include e.g. social inequalities and social structure, social problems, public policies, public discourse (esp. moral panics approach).
Dr. Derek Ruez is a queer geographer working as a postdoctoral researcher in the Space and
Political Agency Research Group on issues around sexuality, race, and migration.
We warmly welcome all interested to participate! We kindly ask you to register for the coffee service by filling out the following form by March 7: https://elomake3.uta.fi/lomakkeet/18697/lomake.html
For more information, please contact Päivi Honkatukia (paivi.honkatukia@uta.fi / 0503268458)