Open seminar: Privatisation in Social Services of the children and families: expert knowledge and the position of service users 26.11.2018

We warmly welcome you to an open Seminar: PRIVATISATION in SOCIAL SERVICES OF THE CHILDREN AND FAMILIES: expert knowledge and the position of service users

The majority of the study concerning privatisation of social services and health services has focused on financial and economic issues – especially from the interests of the public health services. In this seminar, the attention is directed toward social services: We focus on child and family services, as well as on child protection issues. The trend of the privatisation has influenced child protection issues already for some time, but surprisingly has gained little attention in the field of research.

The seminar presents current research in relation to the privatisation matters of the social services of children and families. The position of the children and parents who use these services, as well as the impacts on the experts’ action and knowledge, will also be the topics of this seminar.

The seminar languages are Finnish and English

 Programme: Monday 26.11.2018

Location: Tampere University VIRTA-building, 113

9.00 -9.15 Welcome speech by Professor Hannele Forsberg

9.15-10.15 Privatisation and competitive tendering within the personal social services in Sweden

Emelie Shanks and David Pålsson, University of Stockholm

10.15-10.45 Vertaisarviointi ja lastensuojelupalveluiden kilpailuttamisen kriteerit

Onni Westlund, asiantuntija, Pesäpuu ry

10.45-11.15 Markkinavuoropuhelukäytännöt ja lastensuojelupalveluiden hankinta

Anna-Maija Koivisto, perhetukikeskuksen johtaja, Tampereen kaupunki:

11.15-11.45 Managing Service Value: From Production Orientation to Customer Orientation

Timo Rintamäki, University of Tampere

Workshops will be held in the afternoon between 13.00-16.00

Sign up for the seminar:

Best regards,

Yksityistäminen ja sosiaalipalvelut (privatisation and social services): asiantuntijatieto ja palvelunkäyttäjien asema -ryhmä /SOC siemenrahoitus (Hannele Forsberg, Timo Harrikari, Laura Kalliomaa-Puha, Tarja Pösö ja Aino Ritala-Koskinen).


Translation: Hilla Kari