Tampere Centre for Childhood, Youth and Family Research PERLA organises in collaboration with University Consortium of Pori, ALL YOUTH -Project and International Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities (INCASI) an open seminar on Young people and digitalization.
WHEN? Friday 21 September 2018, 12-15pm
WHERE? University of Tampere, Linna Building, room 6017 (Kalevantie 5)
12.00 Welcome
12.15 Niina Meriläinen: Digital services and youth participation in processes of social change
13.00 Coffee break
13.20 Magdalena Lemus: Networked youth: construction of the self and norms of behavior
14.20 Discussion
15.00 Ending of the seminar
Niina Meriläinen holds a PhD in organisational communication from the University of Jyväskylä (JyU). She is a post-doctoral researcher in the University of Tampere – the Faculty of Management. Niina works in the All-Youth research project which is funded by the Strategic Research Council (SRC). Niina focuses on multidisciplinary research and teaching on various areas. Her main focus areas include multidisciplinary power-relations, narratives and human rights research, digital human rights, development of legislative processes, communication and organisational research from various perspectives. In her work she combines multidisciplinary theoretical frameworks to empirical case studies. Regarding these research fields, she has published all her papers in international journals and handbooks. During her career she has worked in universities, applied science universities and NGOs in Finland, Germany and The Netherlands, also countries which she has studied in both academic and applied science universities.
Magdalena Lemus holds a PhD in Social Sciences and BA in Sociology from the National University of La Plata (UNLP). She is a research fellow from the National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina (CONICET) at the Institute for Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences (FaHCE), National University of La Plata (UNLP). She has been an assistant lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences (UNLP) and at the Pedagogical University (UNIPE) and she currently a lecturer at a Teacher Training Institute. Magdalena is a member of several research projects related to digital technologies appropriation and social inequalities, public policies for digital inclusion in Latin America; career paths among young people; and reflexivity on social sciences. Her main areas of interest include: digital technologies appropriation and literacy among children and young people; media, communications and virtual social networks; youth studies and transitions to adulthood; social and gender inequality and the evaluation of public policies for digital inclusion. She also interested in the analysis and development of qualitative research methods to study uses of digital technology such as virtual technology or trajectories studies applied to digital technology appropriation. Regarding these research fields, she has published papers in national and international journals.
We kindly ask you to register for the coffee service by filling out the following form by September 18: https://elomake3.uta.fi/lomakkeet/22004/lomake.html
For more information, please contact Tiina Tuovila (tiina.tuovila@uta.fi)