Tampere Centre for Childhood, Youth and Family Research PERLA organizes in collaboration with University Consortium of Pori and International Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities (INCASI) an open seminar on Transition from (high)education to working life.
WHEN? Friday, October 12, 12-15 pm.
WHERE? University of Tampere, Linna Building, room 5014 (Kalevantie 5)
12.00 Welcome
12.15 Satu Ojala: Teenage Time Use and Educational Attainment in Adulthood in Finland
13.15 Coffee break
13.35 Cecilia Blanco: The social origin of career choices of graduates of communication
14.35 Discussion
15.00 Ending of the seminar
Satu Ojala Satu Ojala is PhD in Social Policy from the University of Tampere, Finland. She is an academic researcher and teacher in social policy, work life research, time use and quantitative methodology. Her recent research interests have included young labour market entrants’ career starts in different decades, follow-up of temporary workers’ employment over time, and the accumulation of precarious job features and their association with the risk of disability retirement in a follow up. She just started a new project ‘Fragmenting work careers’ (2018–2020, The Finnish Work Environment Fund), which estimates Finnish industrial workers’ employment stability, income, and job changes over time, using a population-representative register dataset FLEED.
Cecilia Blanco is Ph. D in Latin American Social Studies, Center for Advanced Studies (CEA), National University of Córdoba (UNC), Cordoba, Argentina. MA in Social Sciences, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences (FDyCS), UNC. Licentiate in Social Communication Research, FDyCS, UNC. Assistant Professor in two subjects (20 hours per week each) of the degree of Licentiate in Social Communication, School of Communication Sciences (FCC), UNC, Cordoba, Argentina. Research fellow by National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET), 2013-2015 (Doctoral Grant) and 2017-2019 (Pos-Doctoral Grant). INCASI visiting researcher, University of Tampere, Finland, 19.08 – 22.10.2018 and 15.08.-10.11.2016. Member of the project INCASI: International Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities (2016-2019) and a member of the Red de Laboratorios de Monitoreo de Inserción de Graduados (MIG), Argentina since 2011.
We warmly welcome all interested to participate!
We kindly ask you to register for the coffee service by filling out the following form by October 8: https://elomake3.uta.fi/lomakkeet/22010/lomake.html
For more information, please contact Eriikka Oinonen (eriikka.oinonen@uta.fi) or Tiina Tuovila (tiina.tuovila@uta.fi)