Publications and dissertations

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Research concerning themes of childhood, youth and family is conducted in different disciplines in the University of Tampere. The easiest way to explore publications of the University of Tampere is to visit the scientific database TuniCRIS. Publications concerning themes of childhood, youth and family can be found with search terms such as youth, adolescence, adolescent, family, child and childhood, or with Finnish terms lapsi, lapsuus, perhe, nuori, nuoruus and nuorisotutkimus.



Riikka Era: Vastaanottokeskus lapsuuksien paikkana / Reception Center as a Place for Childhoods
Doctoral thesis in social anthropology
Supervisors: Mari Korpela ja Mervi Kaukko

Roosa Kallunki: Children Participating in Roman Rituals: Significance, Attributes, and Agency
Doctoral thesis in history
Supervisors: Katariina Mustakallio (TAY) ja Ville Vuolanto (TAY)

Paula Paajanen: Pienten lasten äitien keskinäiset suhteet ja identiteetit monikulttuurisilla asuinalueilla
Doctoral thesis in social psychology
Supervisors: Eerika Finell (TAY) and Clifford Stevenson (NTU)

Eija Eronen: Jaettu ja jakamaton äitiys. Naisten kokemuksia äitiydestä, sen haasteista ja niihin vastaamisesta 
Doctoral thesis in social policy
Supervisors: Katja Repo and Ritva Nätkin

Aku Kallio: Perheen vuorovaikutus, lasten emootiot ja media
Doctoral thesis in social psychology
Supervisors: Eero Suoninen and Johanna Ruusuvuori

Miia Lähde: Understanding Appearance and Identity in School-Aged Children
Doctoral thesis in social psychology

Tiina Tuovila: Sateenkaariperheiden nuorten hyvinvointi ja sen tukeminen koulu- ja opiskeluterveydenhuollossa
Doctoral thesis in nursing science
Supervisors: Jari Kylmä and Päivi Åstedt-Kurki