Doctoral Congresses

The network organizes annually Congresses for Doctoral Researchers in Philosophy.


The 2024 Congress for Doctoral Researchers in Philosophy in Tampere University.

Date and time: Mon 21 – Wed 23 October 2024

Mon-Wed from about 10 to 18

Program (TBA)

Special program: the meeting of Philosophical Society of Finland (SFY) with a presentation by univ. lect. Helena Siipi in Tuesday evening

Abstracts (TBA)  

Congress Venue:  Tampere University (main campus), building Pinni B, lecture room Pinni B4113.

Getting there. Map of Campus Area


Instructions to the chairs (may be useful to presenters too).

Important Dates and Deadlines:

31 May 2024                       Submission of one-page abstracts
10 June 2024                     Notification of acceptance
7 October 2024                 Registration with full papers (10-12 pages)
21–23 October 2024       The congress itself

General instructions:

The format of the congresses is the following:

  • About 40 min. slots (20 min talk + 20 min discussion) for each individual speaker.
  • Recruitment of competent supervisors/commentators.
  • No parallel sessions.
  • All the participants will be accommodated by the organizer
  • Congress dinner

The one-page abstract should include the title of the presentation together with the name, affiliation, and e-mail address. The name of the supervisor(s) of the participant should also be indicated. The full paper to be submitted later upon registration (after the notification of acceptance) should be 10-12 pages in length, and presentable in about 20 minutes. The full paper is sent (only) to the commentator for the preparation of comments.

Both the accepted abstract and the registration with a full paper are required for the participation in the congress!

The presentations can be given either in English or in Finnish, but the use of English is strongly encouraged.

Possible credits are to be negotiated by the doctoral researchers themselves at their own units.

The abstracts and papers (and all questions) should be sent via e-mail to


The first seven congresses were held October 2016-2019 and 2021-2023 in Tampere, each as a three day event (Mon-Wed) with 20 to 28 presentations. In 2020 the congress was cancelled because of the COVID-19.