All medical students at Tampere University conduct a minor research project (i.e., advanced studies) and publish a thesis towards the end of their studies. Global Health Group offers supervision and a possibility to carry out a global health related thesis project to selected medical students at Tampere University. Individuals who are interested in such an arrangement should contact Global Health Group personnel for further discussions.
Completed Advanced Studies by Medical Students
- Rikhard Ihamuotila, Characteristics of Sitting Height Ratios Among Rural Malawian Children, 2021. (University of Helsinki)
- Topias Torpo, Systemic inflammation and cytokine profiles in Malawian children, 2019.
- Elina Hautakoski, Plasma concentrations of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and IGF binding protein 3 (IGFBP-3) among 6- to 30-month-old rural Malawian children, 2019.
- Tiitus Laine, The prevalence of asymptomatic malaria and its relation to the characteristics of pregnant women in rural Malawi, 2018.
- Janette Keskinen, Effect of environmental factors on the prevalence of submicroscopic malaria among Malawian pregnant women, 2017.
- Sara Mörö, Malawin maaseudun nuorten puberteettikehitys, 2016.
- Suvi Ollila, Association between morbidity and physical activity among 18-month-old Malawin toddlers, 2016.
- Pauliina Juujärvi & Johanna Peltonen, Syntymäkuukauden ja -vuodenajan vaikutus lapsen kasvuun Malawin maaseudulla, 2015.
- Anna Numminen, Dietary intakes among 15 month old Malawian infants receiving different nutritional supplements, 2013.
- Samppa Mäkinen, Responsive feeding and child interest in food vary when rural Malawian children are fed lipid-based nutrient supplements or local complementary food, 2013.
- Tapio Pyry, Lasten aliravitsemuksen hoito ja ehkäisy köyhimissä maissa – mitä on saatu selville interventiotutkimuksilla?, 2012.
- Anne-Maria Rantala, Comparison of real-time PCR and microscopy for malaria parasite detection in Malawian pregnant women, 2010.
- Sohvi Ihalainen, Katastrofilääketieteen vaikuttavuus ja sen evaluointi, 2009.
- Elina Mäkinen, Gestational anemia in rural Malawi: seasonal profile and risk factors, 2006.
- Hanna Hartikainen, Seasonality of gestational weight gain and foetal growth in Malawi, 2005.
- Antti Ylitalo, The purpose and set-up of antenatal care in developing countries – an example from the Philippines, 2004.
- Juha Kuittinen, Supplementary feeding of underweight, stunted Malawian children with a ready-to-use-food, 2004.
- Juha Rannikko, The relationship between antenatal risk characteristics, place of delivery and adverse delivery outcome in rural Malawi, 2004.
- Anita Hietanen, Breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices in rural Malawi, 2004.
- Tom Sundell, Kansainvälisen lääketieteen opetus: Katsaus Suomen ja Euroopan tilanteeseen sekä ehdotus opetuksen järjestämisestä Suomessa, 2003.
- Ali Sharifpour, The occurrence of child abuse in Finland, 2001.
- Ulla Hemmilä, Long-term follow-up of under five-year-old children with cefuroxime-treated pyelonephritis, 2001.
- Janne Blommendahl, Prokalsitoniini vastasyntyneen sepsisdiagnostiikassa, 2000.
- Katja Sulkusalmi, Lasten tuberkuloosialtistusten preventiohoitokäytännön arviointi Suomessa, 1999.
- Tanja Sormunen, Infektiot syöpää sairastavilla lapsilla TAYS:ssa 1996-1997, 1999.
- Riikka Piipari, Lasten pyelonefriittien ilmaantuvuuden, etiologian ja kliinisen kuvan vuosittaiset muutokset Pirkanmaan alueella 1980-1990, 1999.
- Merimaaria Vaahtera, The causes of death in rural Malawian children by verbal autopsy: A validation study in Chi-Chewa and Chi-Yao languages, 1995.