Adolescent Psychiatry
The research group on Adolescent Psychiatry is focused on aggression and violence in adolescent mental disorders; puberty, sexual behavior and gender identity in adolescence; and adolescent mental health epidemiology and health services research.
Background & Aims:
Mental health conditions during adolescence are common. Up to 20-25% of young people suffer from some form of mental disorder, including depression, eating disorders and suicidal and aggressive behavior related to various disorders. The Adolescent Psychiatry group conducts research using multiple research methods to understand and address risk and protective factors of adolescent mental health problems. The Adolescent psychiatry group is actively involved in improving the adolescent psychiatric services provided by the Tampere University Hospital.
The Adolescent Psychiatry Group is a research community with expertise from the field of adolescent and forensic psychiatry, social psychiatry, psychology and social psychology. A number of PhD students complement the research group. The research group is located at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology.
Research themes:
– Pubertal development, sexual behavior, gender identity and mental health in adolescence
– Aggressive behavior, violence and mental health in adolescence
– Adolescent mental health epidemiology and adolescent psychiatric health services research
The Adolescent Psychiatry group collaborates with various national universities and research centers (University of Helsinki, University of Kuopio, National Institute of Health and Welfare, Vanha Vaasa Hospital) and international research groups (University of Oslo, Karolinska Institutet, multicenter collaboration led by Royal Liverpool University Hospital). The group leader is a member of board in the European Association for Forensic Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychology and other involved Professions (EFCAP) and the chairperson of EFCAP Finland.
Learn more about the Adolescent Psychiatry Group.
Group leader Riittakerttu Kaltiala, MD, PhD, Professor of Adolescent Psychiatry
Tampere University, Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology