New genetic research sheds light on the association of pre-eclampsia with cardiovascular diseases

A new wide-ranging Finnish study directed by Tampere University showed that pre-eclampsia and hypertension share many of the same genetic risk factors. The research results published in the prestigious JAMA Cardiology journal revealed different types of genetic risk factors that predispose pregnant women to pre-eclampsia.

The research results indicate that pre-eclampsia can be the first sign of a hereditary disposition to cardiovascular diseases. This means that women suffering from pre-eclampsia should pay special attention to their lifestyle to avoid chronic hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.

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New genetic research sheds light on the association of pre-eclampsia with cardiovascular diseases | Tampere universities (

Research article: Tyrmi, J.S., Kaartokallio, T., Lokki, A.I. et al. Genetic Risk Factors Associated With Preeclampsia and Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy. Jama Cardiol. Published online June 7, 2023.