Call for abstracts: 2nd International Symposium on Geo Test Sites


The 2nd International Symposium on Geo Test Sites will take place in Tampere on June 5 - 6 2025.
The event will gather geotechnical experts from all around the world focusing on geotechnical benchmarking and advanced soil investigations.
Welcome to the land of thousand lakes!

The 1st international ISGTS symposium was organized by NGI in Oslo, Norway in 2019. It was a success, and now the 2nd edition will take place in June 2025 in Tampere, Finland, organized by Tampere University.

Benchmarking is of significant importance in geotechnical engineering, both for testing and verifying innovative soil investigation methods and foundation solutions. The Symposium aims to present detailed characterization of a wide range of natural soils used for benchmarking in geotechnical engineering. The symposium also seeks to promote an increase use of the benchmark sites as a research tool, as training and teaching facilities and as ground for development of new soil models, testing of new investigation methods and further advance the state-of-the-art.

Call for abstracts is open till 31st of July.

Following the 1st ISGTS, all accepted peer-reviewed papers will be published in a Special Issue of the emerging AIMS Geosciences journal.

Read more from the conference website:


Marco DIgnazio