Fresh publication about the narratives of relapse

TreAdd-group has cause for celebration! Again a fresh publication when Psykologia journal published our article today regarding narratives of relapse and its prevention during inpatient substance abuse treatment.

Ekqvist, Eeva & Kuusisto, Katja (2019) Päihdekuntoutujien retkahtamista ja sen välttämistä koskevat narratiivit laitospäihdekuntouksessa. Psykologia 54(6), 417–432.

Abstract. Recovery form substance abuse is rarely a straightforward process. The possibility of relapse may be on a client’s mind as a memory of a past relapse or as a possible future scenario. Research is scarce on inpatients’ talk of relapse during inpatient substance abuse treatment. In this research, we interviewed seven inpatients during their treatment and analyzed the data with narrative analysis. We found three narratives: the learning narrative, “one day at a time” narrative and controlling narrative. We analyzed narratives within different time perspectives, i.e. past, present and future, and focused on how relapse is present in future talk. The narratives mirrored different orientations on recovery and relapse. In the learning narrative, learning from past experiences was central, while in the “one day at a time” narrative acting in the present was essential. In the controlling narrative, both past experiences of controlled substance use and self-efficacy regarding substance use in the future were relevant. In the treatment context, recognition of these narratives may help professionals to amend treatment and provide services accordint to client needs.