
  • Qadir, Ali, and Tatiana Tiaynen-Qadir. 2025. “De-Mystifying Mysticism: A Critical Realist Perspective on Ambivalences in the Study of Mysticism” Religions 16, no. 1: 10.
  • Tiaynen-Qadir, Tatiana, and Ali Qadir. 2024. “Home and Journey in Experiences of the Eastern Orthodox Divine Liturgy.” Material Religion 20 (2): 151–75. doi:10.1080/17432200.2024.2325315.
  • Qadir, Ali. 2023 (in submission). “Uskonto, tieto ja valta: Harhaoppi tiedon sosiologiasta” [in Finnish: Religion, knowledge and power: Heresy from the sociology of knowedge]. In Titus Hjelm (ed) Mistä puhumme, kun puhumme uskonnosta [What we talk about when we talk about religion]. Helsinki:
  • Qadir, Ali. 2023 (in submission). “Heresy and the global: Ahmadiyyat and the ‘world’ of Islam”.
  • Qadir, Ali and Tatiana Tiaynen-Qadir. 2023. “Home and journey: Re-placing the Christian body in Eastern liturgy”. Material Religion (forthcoming: accepted for publication with minor revisions).
  • Qadir, Ali and Pertti Alasuutari. “The discursive side of sociological institutionalism in the study of religion”. Method & Theory in the Study of Religion35(1): 1-23. DOI: 10.1163/15700682-bja10075.
  • Qadir, Ali. 2022. “The deconstruction of religious thought in Islam: Iqbal and Ahmadiyyat”. Muslim World 111(3): 488-510.
  • Tiaynen-Qadir, Tatiana and Ali Qadir. 2022. Symbols and Myth-Making in Modernity: Deep Culture in Modern Art and Action. London: Anthem Press.
  • Qadir, Ali and Pertti Alasuutari. “Sosiologinen institutionalismi ja uskonnontutkimus: Diskursiivinen näkökulma” [Sociological institutionalism and religion: A discursive perspective]. Pp. 64-88 in Uskonto, kieli ja yhteiskunta [Religion, Language and Society], edited by Titus Hjlem. Hesinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura [Finnish Literary Society].
  • Tiaynen-Qadir, Tatiana, Ali Qadir, Pia Vuolanto, and Hans Petteri Hansen. Negotiations of science and religion in Nordic institutions: An ethnographic approach”. Religions 12: #45. DOI: 10.3390/rel12010045. (Open Access)
  • Vuolanto, Pia, Paula Nissilä and Ali Qadir. “Social research on science and religion in Nordic countries”. Zygon 55(1): 73-92. DOI: 10.1111/zygo.12584. (Open Access)
  • Qadir, Ali and Tatiana Tiaynen-Qadir. 2018. “Deep culture and the mystical agency of Mary in Eastern Christianity.” Religions 9(12): #383. DOI: 3390/rel9120383. (Open Access)
  • Qadir, Ali. 2018. “Doors to the imaginal: Sunni Islam’s persecution of the Ahmadi ‘heresy’”. Religions 9(4): 91-107. DOI: 3390/rel9040091. (Open Access)
  • Qadir, Ali. 2018. “Facing the veil: An Orientalist reprise”. Alusta! Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tampere.
  • Qadir, Ali. 2017. “The Stockholm attack: It’s about culture and … well, culture”. Alusta! Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tampere.
  • Qadir, Ali and Tatiana Tiaynen-Qadir. 2016. “Toward imaginal dialogue: Archetypal symbols between Islam and Eastern Orthodox Christianity”. Approaching Religion 6(2): 81-95. (Open Access)
  • Qadir, Ali. 2016. “How heresy makes orthodoxy: The sedimentation of Sunnism in the Ahmadi cases in South Africa”. Sociology of Islam 4(4): 345-367.
  • Qadir, Ali and Tatiana Tiaynen-Qadir. 2016. “Uncanny images and the literalism of modernity”. Web blog post. 21 September 2016. Material Religions.
  • Qadir, Ali. 2015. “When heterodoxy becomes heresy: Using Bourdieu’s concept of doxa to understand state-sanctioned exclusion in Pakistan”. Sociology of Religion 76(2): 155–176.
  • Qadir, Ali. 2015. “Hunting(ton) for cartoons”. European Sociologist 37(Spring): 10–11.
  • Qadir, Ali. 2014. “Parliamentary hereticization of the Ahmadiyya in Pakistan: The modern world implicated in Islamic crises.” Pp. 135-152 in Religion in Times of Crisis, edited by G. Ganiel, C. Monnot and H. Winkel. In the ASR Book Series Religion and the Social Order (series editor W. Swatos). Leiden: Brill.
  • Qadir, Ali. 2013. “Between Secularism/s: Islam and the Institutionalisation of Modern Higher Education in mid-nineteenth century British India”. British Journal of Religious Education 35(2): 125-39.
  • Qadir, Ali and Pertti Alasuutari. “Taming Terror: Domestication of the War on Terror in the Pakistani Media”. Asian Journal of Communication. 23(6): 575-589.
  • Qadir, Ali, Durre S. Ahmed, and S. Nida Ali. 2010. “Ideas, Culture and Terror in Pakistan”. Lahore: Center for the Study of Gender & Culture.
  • Qadir, Ali and Durre S. Ahmed. 2010. “Counter-Terrorism Public Policy and Strategies in Pakistan”. Lahore: Center for the Study of Gender & Culture.
  • Qadir, Ali and Durre S. Ahmed. 2010. “Academic Research and Counter-Terrorism in Pakistan”. Lahore: Center for the Study of Gender & Culture.
  • Qadir, Ali, and Durre S. Ahmed. 2008. “Violence and Culture in Pakistan”. Lahore: Center for the Study of Gender & Culture.