The workshop provided a platform for comprehensive discussions on various numerical optimization techniques and their practical applications in robotics. During the workshop, Professor Reza Ghabcheloo, shared his expertise and led a hands-on session using Casadi, which included a demonstration of Model Predictive Control for trajectory planning.

One of the highlights of the event was a live demonstration of obstacle avoidance controllers on a mobile robot. Participants witnessed the practical application of the optimization techniques discussed during the workshop. In the demo session, multiple safety assurance controllers were showcased on a robot, including our recently released paper “Safe Control using Vision-based Control Barrier Function”.

We are deeply appreciative of the opportunity to organize this workshop.
For us at AI Hub, this event was a wonderful experience, and we are grateful for the chance to facilitate a platform for learning and growth. We hope it was a valuable experience for all attendees.
Text by Golnaz Raja
Photos by Elham Kowsari