Women in AI Finland X AI Hub Tampere Present: Postdoctoral Research Fellow Kirsikka Kaipainen

Kirsikka Kaipainen
Kirsikka Kaipainen, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Tampere University

In this interview, we hear about Kirsikka Kaipainen's journey and motivation to RoboCivics and sustainable technology.

Summary of my work

 Broadly speaking, my research focuses on the human-centred design of technology-aided solutions for well-being and sustainability. I’m currently working at Tampere University in the RoboCivics project to explore how social robotics could support inclusive societal participation of young people, and in the Sustainable Tourism Mobility project to develop low-carbon mobility services for tourists. Also, at University of Jyväskylä I’m involved in a digital intervention study utilizing virtual coaching for mental well-being of teenagers.

How I got interested in technology

Originally through science fiction books and video games, which revealed me all sorts of futuristic technologies, and as a side effect I got somewhat familiar with computer hardware and software. From books, especially Isaac Asimov’s robot stories made such an impression that it’s no wonder I’m now researching social robotics. Still, I’ve always seen technology as a means to an end, and choosing to study computer science was based on the notion that I could apply this knowledge and skills to helping people and wider society.

 My view on why it is important to promote gender-inclusive AI

 Most of us are probably aware of cases in which AI has produced biased decisions or discrimination because its designers and test user base have been from a homogeneous population. Thus, more diversity among people working on AI is one important way to become aware and avoid such biases. Promoting gender-inclusive AI is hopefully a big step towards recognizing and considering also various other forms of diversity.

Women in AI Finland

WAI Finland

LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/women-in-ai-finland/

Registration to launch event on March 8th: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/women-in-ai-finland-launch-tickets-249208367937 

The mini-series of interviews is co-organized by Ritva Savonsaari, AI Hub Tampere and Bruna de Castro e Silva, Doctoral Researcher, Tampere University and Responsible AI Lead at WAI Finland.

In this series:

Women in AI Finland

Women in AI Finland X AI Hub Tampere

Introducing Ph.D Researcher Saara Ala-Luopa