CAST arranges courses and seminars related to general, theoretical and applied statistics and data analysis. The target groups at Tampere University include students, researchers, teachers and other personnel interested in quantitative methods. The responsibility of CAST is to coordinate the overall offering and to develop a model for providing quantitative methods education within Tampere University.
A course or an event may be implemented by a faculty, CAST or both based on what is considered reasonable in each case. For doctoral-level quantitative education, CAST collaborates with the University’s Doctoral School to better answer the specific needs of the doctoral students. International and national experts are involved in producing high-quality content by maintaining and developing the teacher pool for statistical and data analysis education within Tampere University. Furthermore, modern IT facilities at different levels are integrated into practical implementation whenever seen useful.
The role of CAST is also to increase cooperation between specialists in quantitative methods at Tampere University by making the existing knowledge base within different units more visible and by providing new opportunities for fruitful collaboration.
Research methods toolbox in TUNI Moodle (primarily in Finnish).
Research Methods Guidebook – an online environment for teaching and learning quantitative and qualitative research methods (only in Finnish).
Popular Seminar Series:
- Doug Wiens: Robustness of Design: a Survey
- Leo Lahti: Elements of Open Data Science.
- Jaakko Kuorikoski: Causal graphs – Much aDo about Nothing?
- Annastiina Silvennoinen: Smooth transitions in volatility and correlation modelling.
- Juha Alho: Statistics of Internet Discussions with Illustrations on Emoticon Use.
Statistics afternoon – past and present. Talks by emeritus statisticians (in Finnish):
- Erkki Liski: Havaintoja matkan varrelta.
- Pentti Huuhtanen: Otantaa tilastotieteilijöistä ja tilastotieteen opetuksesta.
- Tarmo Pukkila: Ei yliopiston voittanutta! Vai onko?
- Simo Puntanen: From countryboys to cosmopolitans.
Simo Puntanen: 100 Photographs of Professor C. R. Rao. International Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics (ALAPS 2020).
Visiting teachers
Moncef Gabbouj, Finland, 12/2018
Elja Arjas, Finland, 11/2018
Felipe Barletta, Brazil, 09–12/2017
Bikas Sinha, India, 11/2017
Hannu Oja, Finland, 10/2016, 11/2018
Antti Penttinen, Finland, 10/2016
Dulal Bhaumik, United States, 8/2016
Runa Bhaumik, United States, 8/2016
Klaus Nordhausen, Finland, 8/2016
Markus Matilainen, Finland, 8/2016
Joni Virta, Finland, 8/2016
Aurore Archimbaud, France, 8/2016
Vanda Lourenco, Portugal, 7/2016
Stephen Walter, Canada, 3/2016
Asko Tolvanen, Finland, 12/2015, 1/2016
Noona Kiuru, Finland, 12/2015, 1/2016
AJ Bostian, United States, 11–12/2015
Maiju Pesonen, Finland, 12/2015