Industrial engineering and management

Close cooperation with real-life companies guarantees the practical relevancy of research findings and at the same time helps identify new and interesting research questions. Practical research work based on industrial needs provides new and interesting information for the scientific community as well.
The Cost Management Center (CMC) is a research group at Tampere University, Industrial Engineering and Management unit. Our CMC’s core competence is in the field of management accounting, especially in analyzing costs and profits. We improve the competitiveness and profitability of organizations using the means and tools of accounting and business analytics. In addition, the team supports decision-making and business impact considerations regarding energy and sustainability, such as in the current Black Carbon Footprint project.
Current research topics at CMC are for example:
  • Cost management in network relationships
  • The ecological, social and economic sustainability of business models
  • Marketing and business in the energy-efficient construction business
  • Integrated solutions in business
CMC’s aim is to support Finnish and international organizations in their business renewal in B2B and B2C markets as well as to acquire high-quality academic results through the development projects in collaboration with industrial firms, public sector organizations and other research institutions.
CITER’s (Center for Innovation and Technology Research) research covers the interrelationships, dynamics and evolutionary trends among technology, innovations and different societal actors and structures. Our research group’s activities concentrate on developing competitiveness in the following focus areas – business and innovation ecosystems, modelling, technology business (commercialization and business model development) and foresight of technological evolution & technology strategy and innovation management.
Ongoing projects at CMC and CITER:
 BFfp – BC Footprint
RECO 2.0
Sustronics (Sustainable and Green Electronics for Circular Economy)

Main contact

Jussi Valta

  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow
  • Faculty of Management and Business
  • Tampere University
  • +358504121767

Co-PIs & emerging PIs

Teemu Laine

  • Professor
  • Teollisuustalous (palvelutoiminnan ja sen suorituskyvyn johtaminen)
  • Faculty of Management and Business
  • Tampere University
  • +358503087049
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Ulla Saari

  • Associate Professor
  • teolliset tuote- ja palvelujärjestelmät
  • Faculty of Management and Business
  • Tampere University
  • +358503015526

Research staff

Tuomas Korhonen

  • apulaisprofessori (Associate Professor)
  • Kannattavuuden johtaminen
  • Johtamisen ja talouden tiedekunta
  • Tampereen yliopisto
  • +358401981551
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