Call For Ex­pres­sions of In­terest for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoc­toral Fel­low­ships 2021

The Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence in Body-on-Chip Research (CoEBoC) is a multidisciplinary research consortium combining cell biology and engineering and aims at developing body-on-chips to model human tissue function.  The center has multidisciplinary expertise on human stem cells, biomaterials, sensors, microfluidics, biomodeling and bioimaging. CoEBoC produces new comprehensive knowledge on understanding tissue interactions, constructing complex in vitro tissue co-cultures and controlling their functionalities. The resulting expertise and technologies will improve for example development of disease modeling, new personalized treatments and drug development.

Marie Sklodowska Curie Action Postdoctoral Fellowship provides opportunities to researchers of any nationality to acquire and transfer new knowledge and to work on research and innovation in Europe (EU Member States and Horizon Europe Associated Countries) and beyond. The goal of the fellowships is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of experienced researchers, wishing to diversify their individual competence in terms of skill acquisition through advanced training, international and intersectoral mobility.

If you are interested in applying for MSCA PF and CoEBoC, Tampere University as your host institution, please express your interest to the CoEBoC PIs by email. The contact information as well as more information about our researchs can be found from our website

CoEBoC PIs backed up by Tampere University will jointly develop a competitive MSCA PF proposal with the selected applicants. To that end, TAU will organise a MSCA-PF Master Class webinar series in April-June 2021. The webinars will be open for all PF-applicants who will apply Tampere University as a host. The aim of the Master Class it to give coaching on how to write a competitive proposal and work on the research idea together with the supervisor. The Master Class is free of charge, and participation is highly recommended to all applicants.


Contact information

Director of CoEBoC Prof. Minna Kellomäki

Vice-director Prof. Katriina Aalto-Setälä

CoEBoC coordinator Mari Pekkanen-Mattila, mari.pekkanen-mattila