Ossi Sirkka defended his dissertation 7 March on computational approaches to cultural stratification

The Tampere Group of Sociology of Culture member Ossi Sirkka defended his doctoral dissertation on 7 March 2025 on computational approaches to cultural stratification. The Opponent was Docent Arho Toikka (University of Helsinki).

Ossi’s dissertation, Kulttuurin mallintaminen: Laskennallisia tarkasteluita kulttuurisesta stratifikaatiosta (‘Modelling Culture: Computational Approaches to Cultural Stratification’, available open access at https://trepo.tuni.fi/handle/10024/163837), was successfully defended on Friday 7 March at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University. Docent Arho Toikka from University of Helsinki acted as the Opponent, while Semi Purhonen from Tampere University acted as the Custos.

The press release by the Tampere University can be found here: https://www.tuni.fi/fi/ajankohtaista/ossi-sirkka-uusia-laskennallisia-lahestymistapoja-kulttuurisen-stratifikaation

Ossi will continue working in the research group as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Kone Foundation funded DISCO project (Irtikytketyt: nyky-Suomi digitaalisena yhteiskuntana ja kuinka jäädä tai jättäytyä siitä syrjään; ‘Disconnected: Contemporary Finland as a digital society and how to get excluded or voluntarily abstain from it’).