Scientific books (monographs)
Purhonen, Semi, Heikkilä, Riie, Karademir Hazir, Irmak, Lauronen, Tina, Fernández Rodríguez, Carlos J. & Gronow, Jukka (2019) Enter Culture, Exit Arts? The Transformation of Cultural Hierarchies in European Newspaper Culture Sections, 1960–2010. London and New York: Routledge. 274 p. (CRESC Culture, Economy and the Social Series; fully available Open Access under a Creative Commons license in 2020 from the publisher's site linked above).
In Finnish
Purhonen, Semi (& the research team: Gronow, Jukka, Heikkilä, Riie, Kahma, Nina, Rahkonen, Keijo & Toikka, Arho) (2014) Suomalainen maku: kulttuuripääoma, kulutus ja elämäntyylien sosiaalinen eriytyminen [The Finnish taste: Cultural capital, consumption and the social stratification of lifestyles]. Helsinki: Gaudeamus Helsinki University Press. 461 p.
Purhonen, Semi, Hoikkala, Tommi & Roos, J. P. (Eds) (2008) Kenen sukupolveen kuulut? Suurten ikäluokkien tarina [To whose generation do you belong? The story of the baby boomers]. Helsinki: Gaudeamus Helsinki University Press. 319 p.
Purhonen, Semi (2007) Sukupolvien ongelma: tutkielmia sukupolven käsitteestä, sukupolvitietoisuudesta ja suurista ikäluokista [The problem of generations: Essays on the concept of generation, generational consciousness, and baby boomers]. Helsinki: Department of Sociology, University of Helsinki, Research Reports No. 251. 377 p.
Purhonen, Semi & Roos, J. P. (Eds) (2006) Bourdieu ja minä: näkökulmia Pierre Bourdieun sosiologiaan [Bourdieu and I: Perspectives on Pierre Bourdieu’s sociology]. Tampere: Vastapaino. 298 p.
Peer-reviewed scientific articles (selected, last ten years)
Sirkka, Ossi & Purhonen, Semi (2024) Space of lifestyles in Finland, 2007 and 2018: Continuity, change, and the role of online activities and everyday participation. Finnish Journal of Social Research (advanced access), 1–20.
Sirkka, Ossi, Walo, Simon, Purhonen, Semi, Verboord, Marc, Janssen, Susanne & Bonnet, Philippe (2024) Understandings of culture: A European bottom-up study using structural topic modeling. Socius 10: 1–16.
Purhonen, Semi, Verboord, Marc, Sirkka, Ossi, Kristensen, Nete Nørgaard & Janssen, Susanne (2023) Definitely (not) belonging to culture: Europeans’ evaluations of the contents and limits of culture. Poetics: Journal of Empirical Research on Culture, the Media and the Arts, 101, 101840.
Heikkilä, Riie, Leguina, Adrian & Purhonen, Semi (2022) The stratification of media usage in Finland, 2007–2018: Signs of socio-political polarization? New Media & Society 24 (5): 1053–1075.
Myrczik, Eva, Heikkilä, Riie, Kristensen, Nete Nørgaard & Purhonen, Semi (2022) Missing out on culture—or not: Danes and Finns’ cultural participation, the pandemic, and cultural policy measures . Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidsskrift 25 (2): 1–24.
Purhonen, Semi, Leguina, Adrian & Heikkilä, Riie (2021) The space of media usage in Finland, 2007 and 2018: The impact of online activities on its structure and its association with socio-political divisions. Nordicom Review 42 (S3): 111–128
Heikkilä, Riie, Karademir Hazir, Irmak & Purhonen, Semi (2020) Live or recorded? Reassessing the “decline of the highbrow arts” debate using European newspaper data, 1960–2010. Cultural Trends. 29 (3): 199–212.
Purhonen, Semi (2020) El espacio de los estilos de vida en una sociedad igualitaria: el caso de Finlandia [The space of lifestyles in an egalitarian society: The case of Finland]. In Luis Enrique Alonso, Carlos J. Fernández Rodríguez & Rafael Ibáñez Rojo (Eds), Estudios sociales sobre el consumo [Social Studies on Consumption]. Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociologicas, pp. 425–448.
Lauronen, Tina, Heikkilä, Riie & Purhonen, Semi (2019) Cultural globalization on the printed page: Stability and change in the proportion of foreign cultural products in European quality newspapers, 1960–2010. Acta Sociologica 62 (2): 211–227.
Purhonen, Semi, Lauronen, Tina & Heikkilä, Riie (2019) Between legitimization and popularization: The rise and reception of U.S. cultural products in culture sections of quality European newspapers, 1960–2010. American Journal of Cultural Sociology 7 (3): 382–411.
Fernández Rodríguez, Carlos J., Heikkilä, Riie & Purhonen, Semi (2018) ¿Hacia una mayor apertura cultural? Un análisis de la cobertura de artículos sobre música en la prensa de referencia de cinco países europeos (1960–2010) [Towards a bigger cultural opening? An analysis of articles on music in the elite press of five European countries (1960–2010)]. Revista Internacional de Sociología 76 (2): e092.
Heikkilä, Riie, Lauronen, Tina & Purhonen, Semi (2018) The crisis of cultural journalism revisited: The place and space of culture in quality European newspapers from 1960 to 2010. European Journal of Cultural Studies 21 (6): 669–686.
Kallunki, Jarmo & Purhonen, Semi (2017) Intergenerational transmission of cultural capital in Finland. Research on Finnish Society 10: 101–111.
Karademir Hazir, Irmak & Purhonen, Semi (2017) Kültürel Açılım, Hepçillik ve Seçkin Sanatın Düşüşü: Türkiye-Avrupa Karşılaştırması [Cultural opening, omnivore and the decline of the highbrow: A comparison of Turkey and Europe]. İLEF Dergisi – İLEF Journal 4 (1): 29–58.
Purhonen, Semi & Heikkilä, Riie (2017) Food, music and politics: The interweaving of culinary taste patterns, “highbrow” musical taste and conservative attitudes in Finland. Social Science Information 56 (1): 74–97.
Purhonen, Semi, Heikkilä, Riie & Karademir Hazir, Irmak (2017) The grand opening? The transformation of the content of culture sections in European newspapers, 1960–2010. Poetics: Journal of Empirical Research on Culture, the Media and the Arts 62: 29–42.
Gronow, Jukka, Heikkilä, Riie & Purhonen, Semi (2016) Legitimacy of taste and “good” taste. In Kirsti Jõesalu & Anu Kannike (Eds), Cultural Patterns and Life Stories. Tallinn: Tallinn University Press, pp. 393–427.
Purhonen, Semi (2016) Generations on paper: Bourdieu and the critique of “generationalism”. Social Science Information 55 (1): 94–114.
Purhonen, Semi (2016) Zeitgeist, identity and politics: The modern meaning of the concept of generation. In Ivor Goodson, Ari Antikainen, Pat Sikes & Molly Andrews (Eds), The Routledge International Handbook on Narrative and Life History. New York: Routledge, pp. 167–178.
Purhonen, Semi, Lauronen, Tina & Heikkilä, Riie (2015) Into the great wide open? A comparative study of the contents of newspaper culture sections in the UK and Finland, 1970–2010. Research on Finnish Society 8: 5–18.
Purhonen, Semi & Gronow, Jukka (2014) Polarizing appetites? Stability and change in culinary tastes in Finland, 1995–2007. Food, Culture and Society 17 (1): 27–47.
Purhonen, Semi & Wright, David (2013) Methodological issues in national-comparative research on cultural tastes: The case of cultural capital in the UK and Finland. Cultural Sociology 7 (2): 257–273.
Wright, David, Purhonen, Semi & Heikkilä, Riie (2013) Comparing “cosmopolitanism”: Taste, nation and global culture in Finland and the UK . Comparative Sociology 12 (3): 330–360.
In Finnish
Purhonen, Semi, Heikkilä, Riie, Kallunki, Jarmo & Sivonen, Sara (2024) Onko työväenluokan poliittinen jakautuminen nyky-Suomessa myös maku- ja elämäntyylikysymys? [Is the political divide within the working class in contemporary Finland also a question of taste and lifestyles?] Kulttuurintutkimus. (Accepted for publication)
Sivonen, Sara & Purhonen, Semi (2021) Politiikka ja kulttuuriosallistuminen: puoluekanta, konservatiivisuus ja korkea- ja populaarikulttuurinen osallistuminen Suomessa [Politics and cultural participation: The associations of party preference and conservativeness with high and popular cultural participation in Finland]. Sosiologia 58 (4): 355–380.
Sirkka, Ossi & Purhonen, Semi (2021) Homofilia, homologia ja kulttuurisen maun laajuus: miten sosiaaliset verkostot ovat yhteydessä makuun nyky-Suomessa? [Homophily, homology and the breadth of cultural taste: How are social networks associated with taste in contemporary Finland?] Sosiologia. 58 (2): 134–159.
Purhonen, Semi (2020) Vertaileva kulttuurisosiologia ja yhteiskunnallinen muutos (Professorin juhlaluento) [Comparative sociology of culture and social change (An inaugural lecture)]. Sosiologia 57 (1): 91–99.
Wainikainen, Jaakko & Purhonen, Semi (2018) Kielitaidon sosiaalinen eriytyminen nyky-Suomessa: Kuka puhuu ja kuinka montaa kieltä [Social stratification of foreign language competence in contemporary Finland]. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 83 (3): 245–257.
Purhonen, Semi & Toikka, Arho (2016) “Big datan” haaste ja uudet laskennalliset tekstiaineistojen analyysimenetelmät: esimerkkitapauksena aihemallianalyysi tasavallan presidentin uudenvuodenpuheista 1935–2015 [The challenge of “big data” and new computational methods for text analysis: An example from a topic model of new year’s speeches of Finnish Presidents, 1935–2015]. Sosiologia 53 (1): 6–27.