Purhonen, Semi: “Kulttuurisosiologia kohtaa laskennallisen yhteiskuntatieteen”. Presented at the Science Forum 2025 (Tieteen Päivät 2025), panel on computational social science, 9 January, University of Helsinki, Helsinki.
Heikkilä, Riie: “Why did we stop reading? The inequalities of reading in contemporary Finland”. Invited keynote at Finnish National Agency for Education, 30 September 2024, Helsinki.
Heikkilä, Riie & Sirkka, Ossi: “Kenelle kirjasto kuuluu? Kamppailua julkisista kulttuuritiloista”. Invited keynote at Lahden AKE: Verkostoitumis- ja inspiraatiopäivät 2024, 16 May, Hämeenlinna.
Heikkilä, Riie: “Miten julkiset kirjastot jakavat kulttuurista pääomaa algoritmien aikakaudella? Vertaileva tutkimus suomalaisista kirjastoista”. Presented at the annual meeting of the Westermarck-Society, 21–22 March, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio.
Majalahti, Eeva & Kallunki, Jarmo: “Vanhemmuuden sosioekonominen eriytyminen Suomessa 1991–2017”. Presented at the annual meeting of the Westermarck-Society, 21–22 March, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio.
Purhonen, Semi: “Työväenluokkaan samastuminen ja koetut vertikaaliset konfliktit sosiaaliryhmien välillä: Suomi kansainvälisessä vertailussa 2009 ja 2019”. Presented at the annual meeting of the Westermarck-Society, 21–22 March, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio.
Sirkka, Ossi: “Avovastausten rakenteellinen aihemallinnus ja analyysin validoinnin työkaluja”. Presented at the annual meeting of the Westermarck-Society, 21–22 March, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio.
Sivonen, Sara: “Kulttuuristen käytäntöjen ja poliittisen arvomaailman sidos polarisaation aikakaudella”. Presented at the annual meeting of the Westermarck-Society, 21–22 March, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio.
Heikkilä, Riie: “Redistribution of cultural capital in the era of algorithms: New technologies and the public library in the light of comparative sociological research”. Invited keynote at Regional State Administrative Agency, 13 March 2024, Varkaus.
Purhonen, Semi, Heikkilä, Riie, Kallunki, Jarmo & Sivonen, Sara: “Cultural correlates of the political divide among the working class in contemporary Finland: Supporters of Social Democrats, the Finns Party and likely non-voters in comparison”. Paper presented at TaSTi intensive seminar “Culture, Politics, and Power: A Joint Sociological Symposium”, 11 January, Varala, Tampere.
Purhonen, Semi & Sirkka, Ossi: “Understandings of culture and their social correlates”. Paper presented at TaSTi intensive seminar “Culture, Politics, and Power: A Joint Sociological Symposium”, 11 January, Varala, Tampere.
Heikkilä, Riie: “Cultural participation and non-participation in the light of empirical research”. Invited keynote for City of Jyväskylä, 9–10 October 2023, Jyväskylä.
Heikkilä, Riie: “Hur skall vi förstå kulturdeltagande och icke-deltagande? Sociologiska insikter till debatten”. Invited keynote at Arbeidsseminaret om kulturbruk, publikum og deltaking, 11–12 September, Oslo, Norway.
Heikkilä, Riie: “Kulttuuriosallistuminen ja -osallistumattomuus nyky-Suomessa”. Invited keynote at Etelä-Pohjanmaan liiton Kulttuurikaffit, 31 August, Seinäjoki.
Purhonen, Semi, Kallunki, Jarmo, Heikkilä, Riie & Sivonen, Sara: “Cultural correlates of the political divide among the working class in contemporary Europe”. Presentation at the mini-midterm meeting of ESA RN5 Sociology of Consumption research network “Bonding beyond boundaries”, 28 August 2023, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France.
Kallunki, Jarmo, Sirkka, Ossi, Heikkilä, Riie & Purhonen, Semi: “Highbrow, Popular and Mundane Leisure Participation, 1981–2017: The Meltdown Scenario, Omnivores and Snobs Re-Visited”. Presentation at the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology “Resurgent Authoritarianism: The Sociology of New Entanglements of Religions, Politics, and Economies”, June 25-July 1, Melbourne, Australia.
Wallin, Mikael: ”Työväenluokkaisuuden merkitykset suomenkielisessä Twitterissä ja Suomi24-foorumilla”. Presented at the annual meeting of the Westermarck-Society, 23–24 March, Tampere University, Tampere.
Heikkilä, Riie: ”Kulttuuripääoman uusjako algoritmien aikakaudella: vertaileva tutkimus
suomalaisista kirjastoista”. Presented at the annual meeting of the Westermarck-Society, 23–24 March, Tampere University, Tampere.
Purhonen, Semi & Sirkka, Ossi: “Merkitystason kulttuurinen stratifikaatio: rakenteellinen
aihemallinnus kulttuurin käsitteen erilaisista ymmärryksistä yhdeksässä Euroopan maassa“. Presented at the annual meeting of the Westermarck-Society, 23–24 March, Tampere University, Tampere.
Heikkilä, Riie: “Understanding Cultural Non-Participation in an Egalitarian Context – with a Little Help from Bourdieu”. Presented at Bourdieu Symposium, University of Helsinki, 12 December 2022.
Purhonen, Semi: “Bourdieu and Cultural Stratification Research: Some Observations and Three Examples”. Presented at Bourdieu Symposium, University of Helsinki, 12 December 2022.
Heikkilä, Riie: Participation and invited keynote in the yearly “Course of Cultural Defense” (“Kulttuurinpuolustuskurssi”), Mäntsälä, Finnish Cultural Foundation, 21–22 October 2022 .
Heikkilä, Riie: “Redistribution of Cultural Capital in the Era of Algorithms: A Comparative Study of Finnish Public Libraries”. Presented at the mid-term conference of ESA RN5 Sociology of Consumption research network “Consumption, justice and futures: Where do we go from here?”, 31 August–3 September 2022, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway.
Purhonen, Semi, Sirkka, Ossi, Janssen, Susanne, Verboord, Marc, Myrczik, Eva Pina, Walo, Simon, Petrović, Valentina, Kisić, Višnja, Tomka, Goran & Bonnet, Philippe: “Bottom-Up Conceptions of Culture: A Cross-National Comparison across Europe”. Presented at the 9th mid-term conference of ESA RN7 Sociology of Culture research network, “Culture(s) on the margins”, 31 August–2 September 2022, University of Portsmouth, UK.
Kallunki, Jarmo, Sirkka, Ossi, Heikkilä, Riie & Purhonen, Semi: “Highbrow, Popular and Mundane Cultural Participation, 1981–2017: The Meltdown Scenario, Omnivores and Snobs Re-Visited “. Presented at the annual meeting of the Westermarck-Society, 24–25 March (held as a virtual conference).
Sivonen, Sara & Heikkilä, Riie: “Poliittiset ja kulttuuriset arvostelmat Suomessa: elämäntyylien ja politiikan yhteys haastatteluaineiston valossa”. Presented at the annual meeting of the Westermarck-Society, 24–25 March (held as a virtual conference).
Wallin, Mikael: “New Media Incentives: A Cross Platform Analysis of Social Media Discourse on 4Chan, Twitter and YouTube”. Presented at the annual meeting of the Westermarck-Society, 24–25 March (held as a virtual conference).
Posio, Pekka & Heikkilä, Riie: “Variation and change in the expression and functions of the first-person singular in six European newspapers, from 1960 to 2010”. Presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of Societas Linguistica Europaea, 30 August–3 September (held as a virtual conference).
Heikkilä, Riie: ”Challenges of Interviewing in Cultural Research”. Presented at the INVENT Conference “Capturing the Societal Values of Culture: Towards Inclusive and Participatory European Cultural Policies”, Rotterdam, Netherlands 23–24 September (held as a virtual presentation).
Kallunki, Jarmo: “Social Mobility and Cultural Stratification in Contemporary Finland”. Presented at the 15th conference of the European Sociological Association, “Sociological Knowledges for Alternative Futures”, 31 August–3 September 2021, Barcelona, Spain (held as a virtual conference). RN05: Sociology of Consumption.
Purhonen, Semi, Kristensen, Nete Nørgaard, Sirkka, Ossi, Marquart, Franziska, Verboord, Marc, Weingartner, Sebastian, Kim, Jinju & Walo, Simon: “Understandings of Culture: A European Cross-National Bottom-Up Study”. Presented at the 15th conference of the European Sociological Association, “Sociological Knowledges for Alternative Futures”, 31 August–3 September 2021, Barcelona, Spain (held as a virtual conference). RN02: Sociology of the Arts.
Sivonen, Sara & Heikkilä, Riie: “Exploring the Limits and Overlaps Between Cultural and Political Valuations and Boundary-Drawing in Contemporary Finland”. Presented at the 15th conference of the European Sociological Association, “Sociological Knowledges for Alternative Futures”, 31 August–3 September 2021, Barcelona, Spain (held as a virtual conference). RN05: Sociology of Consumption.
Purhonen, Semi, Heikkilä, Riie, Sirkka, Ossi & Sivonen, Sara: “The multiplicity of the understandings of culture and why it matters for cultural policy and politics”. Presentation at Sociology Research Seminar at the University of Tampere (held as a virtual seminar), 11 May 2021.
Heikkilä, Riie: “I’d rather not: Suomalaista kulttuuriosallistumattomuutta kartoittamassa”. Presented at the annual meeting of the Westermarck-Society, 11–12 March (held as a virtual conference).
Kallunki, Jarmo: “Social mobility and cultural stratification in contemporary Finland”. Presented at the annual meeting of the Westermarck-Society, 11–12 March (held as a virtual conference).
Sirkka, Ossi & Purhonen, Semi: “The space of lifestyles in Finland, 2007 and 2018: Continuity and change”. Presented at the annual meeting of the Westermarck-Society, 11–12 March (held as a virtual conference).
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, most conferences and workshops are postponed or cancelled in 2020! Our papers were already accepted to be presented in quite a number of different events, such as:
Lindblom, Taru: An invited presentation titled “Kulttuurimaku Suomessa ja sen muutos 2007–2018” and panelist on cultural consumption and music taste at the Autumn Seminar of the Finnish Association for Consumer Studies, Zoom, 20 November, 2020.
Koponen, Sami & Lindblom, Taru: “‘High art criteria’ and the performances of artful taste in the Finnish restaurant scene”. Paper accepted to be presented at the mid-term conference of ESA RN2 Sociology of The Arts research network, Helsinki, 8–11 September 2020. POSTPONED to March 2021.
Koponen, Sami & Lindblom, Taru: “‘High art criteria’ and the performances of artful taste in the Finnish restaurant scene”. Paper accepted to be presented at the mid-term conference of ESA RN5 Sociology of Consumption research network, Oslo, Norway, 26–29 August 2020. Held as virtual conference. Paper presented in session “Lifestyles: Thematic discussion on lifestyles, taste and culture.”
Lindblom, Taru: “Tolerance on the plate: Change in culinary, cultural and social tolerance in Finland, 2007-2018”. Paper accepted to be presented at the mid-term conference of ESA RN5 Sociology of Consumption research network, Oslo, Norway, 26–29 August 2020. CANCELLED
Sirkka, Ossi & Purhonen, Semi: “The space of lifestyles in Finland, 2007 and 2018: Continuity and change”. Paper accepted to be presented at the mid-term conference of ESA RN5 Sociology of Consumption research network, Oslo, Norway, 26–29 August 2020. CANCELLED
Heikkilä, Riie, Leguina, Adrian & Purhonen, Semi: “The Stratification of Media Usage in Finland, 2007–2018: Signs of Socio-Political Polarization?” Paper accepted to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA, 8–11 August 2020. CANCELLED
Kallunki, Jarmo: “Cultural Reproduction as Inheritance of Orientations: Intergenerational Transmission of Cultural Orientations in Contemporary Finland.” Paper accepted to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA, 8–11 August 2020. CANCELLED
Leguina, Adrian & Purhonen, Semi: “Homology, but in which order? A comparative analysis of constructing the space of lifestyles and the space of social positions in two different ways”. Paper accepted to be presented at the 8th mid-term conference of the ESA RN7 Sociology of Culture research network, University of Helsinki, Finland, 10–12 June 2020. CANCELLED
Heikkilä, Riie: “No escape from reality – Suomalaista kulttuuriosallistumattomuutta kartoittamassa.” Paper accepted to be presented at the annual meeting of the Westermarck-Society, Rovaniemi, 26–27 March 2020. CANCELLED
Kallunki, Jarmo: “Cultural reproduction and mobility over the life course in contemporary Finland.” Paper accepted to be presented at the annual meeting of the Westermarck-Society, Rovaniemi, 26–27 March 2020. CANCELLED
Lindblom, Taru: “Tolerance on the plate – Change in culinary taste and tolerant attitudes, 2007-2018.” Paper accepted to be presented at the annual meeting of the Westermarck-Society, Rovaniemi, 26–27 March 2020. CANCELLED
Sirkka, Ossi & Purhonen, Semi: “Homofilia, homologia ja kulttuurisen maun laajuus: tutkimus sosiaalisten verkostojen ja maun suhteesta nyky-Suomessa”. Paper accepted to be presented at the annual meeting of the Westermarck-Society, Rovaniemi, 26–27 March 2020. CANCELLED
Sivonen, Sara & Purhonen, Semi: “Politiikka ja kulttuuriosallistuminen: ovatko puoluekannan ja konservatiivisuuden yhteydet korkea- ja populaarikulttuuriseen osallistumiseen Suomessa muuttuneet 2007–2018?” Paper accepted to be presented at the annual meeting of the Westermarck-Society, Rovaniemi, 26–27 March 2020. CANCELLED
Lindblom, Taru: “Tolerance on the plate – the change of culinary tastes and tolerant attitudes in Finland, 2007–2018.” Paper presented at the 9th National Conference in Cultural Studies and 6th national Conference in Cultural Policy Studies: “CHANGE“. 13-14 December 2019, Tampere, Finland.
Purhonen, Semi: “European Inventory of Societal Values of Culture as a Basis for Inclusive Cultural Policies in the Globalizing World”. Paper presented at TCuPS seminar, Kangasala, 27 September 2019.
Purhonen, Semi: “Vertaileva kulttuurisosiologia ja yhteiskunnallinen muutos”. Inaugural lecture at Tampere University, 13 September 2019.
Purhonen, Semi: “Improving Ways to Determine Whether Cultural Stratification Is Strong or Weak”. Paper presented at the conference of European Sociological Association, RN5: Sociology of Consumption (session on Cultural stratification), Manchester, UK, 21–23 August 2019.
Kallunki, Jarmo: “Highbrow parents raise omnivorous children? The inheritance of cultural capital in Finland in 2007 and 2018.” Presentation at the 14th conference of European Sociological Association, Manchester, UK, 21–23 August 2019.
Heikkilä, Riie & Lindblom, Taru: “Avoiders gonna avoid: The anatomy of cultural non-participation in Finland, 2007 to 2018.” Paper accepted to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association”A paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, New York, NY, 10 August 2019.
Purhonen, Semi: “Social Stratification of Media Usage in Finland, 2007–2018: Signs of Polarization and Politicization?” An invited keynote talk at Loughborough University Institute of Advanced Studies, UK, 11 June 2019.
Purhonen, Semi & Heikkilä, Riie: “What’s wrong with cultural stratification research and what can be done about it? Seven problems and some (tentative) thoughts about how to react to them”. An invited lecture at Loughborough University Institute of Advanced Studies, UK, 10 June 2019.
Purhonen, Semi: “Comparative Sociology of Culture Reloaded”. An invited lecture at the series “Sociology 2025”, organized by David Inglis and Lena Näre, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki, 9 May 2019.
Purhonen, Semi: “Tervetuloa kulttuuri, tervemenoa taide? Kulttuurijournalismin ja kulttuuristen arvostusten muutos 1960-luvulta 2000-luvulle”. Talk at the closing seminar of CUDIGE project, University of Helsinki, Tiedekulma, 3 May 2019.
Lindblom, Taru: “Are categorical tolerants the heirs of cultural omnivores? Dissecting the patterns of cultural taste” Paper presented at the annual meeting of Westermarck-Society (working group on “Culture and Consumption”), Turku, 29 March 2019.
Purhonen, Semi: “Social Stratification of Media Usage in Finland, 2007–2018: Signs of Polarization and Politicization?” Paper presented at the annual meeting of Westermarck-Society (working group on “Culture and Consumption”), Turku, 28 March 2019.
Purhonen, Semi: “Both Legitimization and Popularization: How Evaluations of Popular Culture and Highbrow Arts Have Become Increasingly Similar”. Paper presented at “Rethinking Cultural Journalism and Cultural Critique in Digital Media Culture”, University of Copenhagen, 23 November 2018.
Purhonen, Semi: “Social Stratification of Media Usage in Finland, 2007–2018: Signs of Polarization and Politicization?” Paper presented at ECREA Conference, Lugano, 2 November 2018.
Purhonen, Semi: “Enter Culture, Exit Arts: The Transformation of Cultural Hierarchies, 1960–2010”. Paper presented at SCUD/Rising Inequalities III workshop, Paris, 4 October 2018.
Lindblom, Taru: “Growing Openness or Creeping Intolerance? Exploring Omnivorousness in Music and Literary Taste in Finland, 2007–2018”. Paper presented at ESA RN05 Sociology of Consumption Midterm Conference, Copenhagen, 31 August 2018.
Purhonen, Semi: “Both Legitimization and Popularization: How Evaluations of Popular Culture and Highbrow Arts Have Become Increasingly Similar”. Paper presented at ESA RN05 Sociology of Consumption Midterm Conference, Copenhagen, 31 August 2018.
Heikkilä, Riie: “Legitimization, Popularization and the Transformation of Cultural Hierarchies in European Newspaper Culture Sections, 1960–2010”. Paper presented at World Congress of Sociology, Toronto, 15-21 July 2018.
Lindblom, Taru: “Culinary capital, taste and the foodies: food-based social distinction in Finland”. An invited public lecture at the Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series, Tokyo, 12 July, 2018.
Lindblom, Taru & Purhonen, Semi: “The Meltdown Scenario in Finland”. An invited presentation at the workshop ”Convergencies and divergencies in cultural stratification systems” (organized by Prof. Mikhail Sokolov), European University at Saint Petersburg, 28–29 May 2018.
Purhonen, Semi: “Cultural Classifications and the Organization of Newspaper Coverage of Culture in Six Countries: Enter Culture, Exit Arts?” An invited presentation at the workshop ”Convergencies and divergencies in cultural stratification systems” (organized by Prof. Mikhail Sokolov), European University at Saint Petersburg, 28–29 May 2018.
Purhonen, Semi: “Maku”. An invited talk at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Helsinki, 28 March 2018.
Purhonen, Semi: “Enter Culture, Exit Arts?” Presentation at Sociology Research Seminar at the University of Tampere, 8 March 2018.
Purhonen, Semi: “Legitimization, Popularization and the Transformation of Cultural Hierarchies in European Newspaper Culture Sections, 1960–2010”. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society (paper session “Culture and Consumption”), Baltimore, 25 February 2018.
Purhonen, Semi: “A Comparison of British and Finnish Young Elites, 1970-2010: Sociodemographic Background, Current Position and Cultural Self-Image”. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society (mini-conference “Class and Culture”), Baltimore, 23 February 2018.
Purhonen, Semi: “Kulttuuristen hierarkioiden muutos eurooppalaisissa laatusanomalehdissä 1960-2010: populaarikulttuurin legitimoituminen ja korkeakulttuurin popularisoituminen”. An invited lecture at the Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, 18 January 2018.