Anne Salonen



Postdoctoral Fellow
1 August 2011–31 July 2012

Office: Pinni B 4005
Tel. +358 (0)40 190 1604


My research interests include parents’ perceptions of parenting and parenting support during the first postpartum year. In my current study, mothers’ and fathers’ perceptions of parenting include parenting self-efficacy, parenting satisfaction, infant centrality and life change. The study also involves the testing of the Parenting self-efficacy instrument in other cultural contexts. Social support from nursing professionals is evaluated after childbirth during the postpartum in-patient stay and at the child health clinics. In addition, the internet resource ( was developed as a part of a multi-professional project called Urban parenthood to offer online support for parenting, breastfeeding and infant care beginning from midway through pregnancy. It consisted of an information database, an online peer discussion forum and expert advice. This study also evaluates the developed Internet resource, parents as users of online parenting support and parents’ preferences of online parenting support.

Key words: fathers, internet, interventions studies, mothers, maternity health services, parenting, postpartum year, social support