Oana Apostol

Postdoctoral Fellow
1 August 2011–31 July 2012

Office: Pinni B 3091
Tel. +358 (0)40 190 1258
Email: oana.apostol@uta.fi


Research interests

My research interests are in the broad field of business relationships with society. Business responsibilities in society (widely refered to as ‘corporate social responsibility’) represent my research foci. More specifically, I am interested in examining the implications of contemporary talk and practice of corporate social responsibility on society. These practices go largely unquestioned, relying on a general assumption of mutual positive effects for business and society. Hence, my aim is to understand whether practices of corporate social responsibility have a contribution to the declared ambition to alleviate social and environmental problems of current times. With this goal in mind, I am interested in identifying ways to assess the social and environmental performance of business responsible practices.