Pekka Virtanen

Senior Research Fellow, 1 August 2013-31 July 2015

Office: Atalpa 226
Tel.: +358 (0)40 190 1608

My research plan, entitled ‘Long-term labour market attachment and long-term health: trajectory analyses from 1980s to 2010s’ is largely based on and will push forward ideas of the LAMATTE (LAbour Market ATtachmetn and TErveys) project, funded by Academy of Finland until August 2014. Aim of the project is to study differential development of individuals’ labour market status (passages in permanent employment, diverse atypical employments, unemployment, non-employment) and its interactions with differential development of the health status, and the significance of perceived job insecurity for this development. LAMATTE is based on survey and register data, beginning in the 1980s, from three ongoing research programs, The Finnish Public Sector Study; The Health and Social Support Study (HeSSup) and The Northern Swedish Cohort Study.

In addition, I participate in the Swedish research project ‘Mental health in adolescence and the paths ahead. An ecological life course approach to mental health trajectories into adulthood’, which draws on data from the Northern Swedish Cohort.

I also belong to a team that had established research co-work with Finnish Centre for Pensions, utilising their registers in studies about labour market attachment trajectories, and to the team of the project Trajectories of employment after restructuring of work organization and job displacement, utilising the FLEED-database of Statistics Finland, led by Professor Pertti Koistinen.