18.9. Ad hoc Lecture "Leading for social justice and diversity through a practice architecture lens" by Jane Wilkinson, Monash University, Australia

Ad hoc IASR lecture:

Leading for social justice and diversity through a practice architecture lens

Jane Wilkinson, Monash University

Time: Wednesday, 18 September 2019, at 12.15-13.45
Place: Institute for Advanced Social Research (tutkijakollegium), Atalpa, seminar room 208, Ratapihankatu 55


In this presentation, Jane Wilkinson employs a practice lens, the theory of practice architectures (Kemmis and Grootenboer, 2008) to disrupt traditional notions of leadership as the valorisation of individual leaders and their traits or competencies.

Employing a case study of a previously monocultural Australian school, she examines the conditions that support the enactment of more socially just educational practices. In so doing, she illustrates why and how studies of leadership need to reclaim the five ‘p’s’ of leadership – power, politics, praxis, pedagogy and practice.


Jane Wilkinson is Associate Dean for Graduate Research, Faculty of Education, Monash University, Australia and Associate Professor Educational Leadership. Jane’s main research and teaching interests are in the areas of educational leadership for social justice and practice theory (feminist, Bourdieuian and practical philosophy).

Jane has conducted extensive research with refugee students, schools and universities in regional and urban Australia. Her most recent study examines the role played by school and community leaders in building social cohesion.

Jane’s new books include: Educational leadership as a culturally-constructed practice: New directions and possibilities (with Laurette Bristol, Routledge, 2018); and Navigating complex spaces: Refugee background students transitioning into higher education (with Loshini Naidoo, Misty Adoniou and Kip Langat, Singapore: Springer, 2018).

Jane is lead editor of the Journal of Educational Administration and History and a member of the editorial boards, Journal of Educational Leadership, Policy and Practice; Journal of Gender Studies and International Journal of Leadership in Education.
