Narratives in Foreign Policy Analysis
Dr Johanna Vuorelma, IASR, Tampere University
Time: Tuesday, 3 March 2020, at 16:15-17:45
Place: Tampere University, Pinni B, lecture hall B1096, Kanslerinrinne 1, 1st fl.
Foreign policy analysis is a field of knowledge that is narratively constructed. Narratives are key to understanding how events in world politics that seem arbitrary become coherent and meaningful, often offering lessons in morality. There are strong narrative traditions in foreign policy analysis, which are passed on from one generation of foreign policy analysts to another with shared metaphors and beliefs. As such, foreign policy analysts are situated agents who are influenced by narrative traditions in the field but can also slowly shape them. The lecture discusses narratives in foreign policy analysis with the use of three theoretical approaches. Firstly, the aesthetic approach is about representation. Secondly, the narrative approach is concerned with the method of representation. Finally, the interpretative approach is about the relationship between representation and reality. Foreign policy analysis concerning Turkey serves as the primary case study in the lecture.