Journal Articles:
- O. D. Fernandez, A. Hentunen, S. Jenu, M. Allam, A. Gusrialdi, T. Minav, “A Rule-Based Energy Management System Integrating a Semi-Empirical Battery Model for Hybrid Wheel Loaders,” in Journal of Energy Storage, 2025. [open access]
Conference Proceedings:
- A. Gusrialdi, “Distributed Data-Driven Algorithms for Eigen-Analysis of Power System Models,” in European Control Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2025.
Journal Articles:
- H. Pham, N. Ranasinghe, D. Le, M. W. S. Atman, A. Gusrialdi, “Safety-guaranteed distributed formation control of multi-robot systems over graphs with rigid and elastic edges,” in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2024. [open access]
- M. W. S. Atman, M. R. Fikri, K. Priandana, A. Gusrialdi, “A two-layer control framework for persistent monitoring of a large area with a robotic sensor network,” in IEEE Access, 2024. [open access]
- S. Keyumarsi, M. W. S. Atman, A. Gusrialdi, “LiDAR-based online control barrier function synthesis for safe navigation in unknown environments,” in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2024. Note: this paper will be presented at IEEE ICRA 2024. [open access]
- M . S. Sadabadi, M. W. S. Atman, A. Aynala, A. Gusrialdi, “Resilient design of leader-follower consensus against cyber-attacks,” in IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 2024. [pdf]
Book Chapters:
- K. Mcdonald, Z. Qu, A. Gusrialdi, “Eigen-Analysis of Multi-Agent Systems and Large Scale Systems Using Data Driven and Machine Learning Algorithms”, in Bridging Eigenvalue Theory and Practice – Applications in Modern Engineering. Bruno Carpentieri (Eds.), IntechOpen, 2024. [open access]
- A. Gusrialdi, D. B. Venkateswaran, Z. Qu, “Enhancing Resilience in Cooperative Systems Against Cyber-Attacks: A Defense Framework through Adaptive Network Reconfiguration and Digital Twin”, in Latest Adaptive Control Systems. Petros Ioannou (Eds.), IntechOpen, 2024. [open access]
Conference Proceedings:
- A. Gusrialdi, M. Iqbal, Z. Qu, “Resilient Platooning Control of Connected Automated Vehicles in the Presence of Cyber-attacks,” in IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Milan, Italy, 2024. [pdf]
- D. B. Venkateswaran, Z. Qu, A. Gusrialdi, “A Distributed Method for Detecting Critical Edges and Increasing Edge Connectivity in Undirected Networks,” in IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Milan, Italy, 2024. [pdf]
- M. R. Fikri, M. W. S. Atman, Y. Nikulin and A. Gusrialdi, “Efficient Multi-Robot Task Allocation with Nonsmooth Objective Functions for Persistent Monitoring in Large Dispersed Areas,” in IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Bari, Italy, 2024. [pdf]
- M. W. S. Atman and A. Gusrialdi, “A Distributed Algorithm to Establish Strong Connectivity in Spatially Distributed Networks via Estimation of Strongly Connected Components,” in European Control Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 2024. [pdf]
Journal Articles:
- A. Gusrialdi, Z. Qu, “Resilient distributed optimization against cyber-attacks,” in IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2023. [open access]
- A. Gusrialdi, “Resilient and privacy-preserving leader-follower consensus in presence of cyber-attacks,” in IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2023. [open access]
- O. D. Fernandez, M. Iqbal, A. Gusrialdi, “An improved dynamic mode decomposition for real-time electromechanical oscillation monitoring in power systems: The impact of ultra-low frequency modes and its removal strategy,” in IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2023. [open access]
Conference Proceedings:
- A. Gusrialdi, M. Iqbal, Z. Qu, “Towards resilient design of leader-following consensus with attack identification and privacy preservation capabilities,” in European Control Conference, Bucharest, Romania, 2023. [pdf]
- M. Iqbal, Z. Qu, A. Gusrialdi, “Resilient design of continuous-time distributed optimization algorithm in the presence of cyber-attacks,” in 22nd IFAC World Congress, Yokohama, Japan, 2023. [pdf]
- D. W. Djamari, A. Gusrialdi, M. R. Fikri, Y. Susilowati, “Multi-agent formation control under switching network and input constraints,” in 22nd IFAC World Congress, Yokohama, Japan, 2023. [pdf]
Journal Articles:
- M. W. S. Atman, A. Gusrialdi, “Finite-time distributed algorithms for verifying and ensuring strong connectivity of directed networks,” in IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2022. [open access]
- A. Gusrialdi, “Connectivity-preserving distributed algorithms for removing links in directed networks,” in Network Science, 2022. [open access]
- M. Iqbal, Z. Qu, A. Gusrialdi, “Resilient dynamic average-consensus of multi-agent systems,” in IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2022. Note: this paper was selected for presentation at IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2022. [open access]
- M. Iqbal, Z. Qu, A. Gusrialdi, “Distributed resilient consensus on general digraphs under cyber-attacks,” in European Journal of Control, 2022. Note: this paper was presented at European Control Conference 2022. [open access]
- M. S. Sadabadi, A. Gusrialdi, “Resilient average consensus on general directed graphs in presence of cyber-attacks,” in European Journal of Control, 2022. Note: this paper was presented at European Control Conference 2022. [open access]
- J. A. Prakosa, A. Gusrialdi, E. Kurniawan, A. D. Stotckaia, H. Adinanta, Suryadi, “Experimentally robustness improvement of DC motor speed control optimization by H-infinity of mixed-sensitivity synthesis,” in International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 2022.
Book Chapters:
- A. Gusrialdi, Z. Qu, “Resilient Hierarchical Networked Control Systems: Secure Controls for Critical Locations and at Edge”, in Security and Resilience of Control Systems: Theory and Applications. Quanyan Zhu and Hideaki Ishii (Eds.), Lecture Notes on Control and Information Sciences., Springer Verlag, pp. 95-119, 2022. [pdf]
Conference Proceedings:
- K. Priandana, M. W. S. Atman, A. Gusrialdi, “Persistent monitoring for indoor farming using static and mobile sensors,” in 7th IFAC Conference on Sensing, Control and Automation Technologies for Agriculture, Munich, Germany, 2022. [pdf]
- A. Aynala, M. W. S. Atman, A. Gusrialdi, “Communication-efficient formation maintenance for multi-robot system with a safety certificate,” in 6th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, Trieste, Italy, 2022. [pdf]
- A. Gusrialdi, Z. Qu, “Cooperative systems in presence of cyber attacks: A unified framework for resilient control and attack identification,” in American Control Conference, Atlanta, USA, 2022. [pdf]
- O. D. Fernandez, S. Tiistola, A. Gusrialdi, “Real-time data-driven electromechanical oscillation monitoring using dynamic mode decomposition with sliding window,” in 11th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power and Energy Systems, Moscow, Russia, 2022. [pdf]
Conference Proceedings:
- M. W. S. Atman, A. Gusrialdi, “Distributed algorithms for verifying and ensuring strong connectivity of directed networks,” in IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Austin, USA, 2021 (virtual conference). [pdf]
- O. D. Fernandez, A. Gusrialdi, A. A. M. Garcia, M. V. Llanes, O. E. T. Breffe, “Angular stability analysis of a multimachine system with distributed and large-scale photovoltaic generations,” in IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, 2021 (virtual conference). [pdf]
- M. S. Sadabadi, A. Gusrialdi, “On resilient design of cooperative systems in presence of cyber-attacks,” in European Control Conference, 2021 (virtual conference). [pdf]
- A. Gusrialdi, Z. Qu, “Distributed data-driven power iteration for strongly connected networks,” in European Control Conference, 2021 (virtual conference). [pdf]
Conference Proceedings:
- A. Gusrialdi, “Distributed algorithm for link removal in directed networks,” in The 9th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications, Madrid, Spain, 2020 (virtual conference). [pdf]
- A. Gusrialdi, Z. Qu, “Data-driven distributed algorithms for estimating eigenvalues and eigenvectors of interconnected dynamical systems,” in 21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany, 2020 (virtual conference). [pdf]
- A. Gusrialdi, Y. Xu, Z. Qu, M. A. Simaan, “Resilient cooperative voltage control for distribution network with high penetration distributed energy resources,” in European Control Conference, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2020 (virtual conference). [pdf]
Book Chapters:
- A. Gusrialdi, Y. Xu, Z. Qu, M. A. Simaan, “A real-time big-data control-theoretical framework for cyber-physical-human systems”, in Computational Intelligence and Optimization Methods for Control Engineering. Maude J. Blondin, Panos M. Pardalos, and Javier S. Sanchis (Eds.), Springer Verlag, 2019. [pdf]