Publication in SCIENCE: Highly Ductile Amorphous Oxide at Room Temperature and High Strain Rate

The multinational consortium led by Dr. Erkka Frankberg from TAU develops a new aluminum oxide glass that can deform plastically at room temperature

Our latest work was published in SCIENCE. The multinational consortium developed aluminum oxide cabable of plastic deformation in tension and compression/shear at room temperature. The article describes the material preparation, and how it was demonstrated to be capable of plastic deformation. The material flows plastically in experiments carried out inside a transmission electron microscope. The consortium comprise of microscopists, nanomaterial experts, computational physicists, but also the contribution of materials engineers was very significant. Dr. Hokka carried out the DIC measurents of the transmission electron microscope images, and was able to experimentally verify the plastic deformation and flow of the material. Similar work was done by numerical simulations to idenify the deformation mechanism. More details can be found in the original article. The article will be available on 15th of November 2019.