13.9. Rethinking Epiphany – Perspectives from the Fringes 2024

Tampere University, 13 September 2024
Location: auditorium VIRTA 109, Åkerlundinkatu 5, Tampere

The symposium “Rethinking Epiphany – Perspectives from the Fringes” is a one-day event to be held Friday, September 13, at Tampere University, Finland.


In literature, epiphany is considered as the moment of revelation, illumination, or enlightenment of a fictional character. Epiphany has been associated particularly with modernist literature, and with the foregrounding of powerful moments of heightened significance in the works of Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, and their contemporaries. This symposium considers the legacy of such “moments of being” (Woolf 1939) and proposes new perspectives to challenge or enrich our understanding of modernist forms of epiphany. It is particularly interested in interdisciplinary approaches to the study of epiphanies, as well as in how perspectives from the fringes add to our understanding of epiphany.


Keynote Speakers:

Nigel Fabb, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

Päivi Mehtonen, docent, independent scholar, Finland


For full details and programme of the event, see the event webpage here: https://events.tuni.fi/epiphany2024/