Ongoing research from PGL research group presented in the 20th Biennial EARLI Conference

The 20th Biennial European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Conference gathered all Special Interest Groups (SIGs) in the sweltering Thessaloniki, Greece at 22.–26.8.2023. The conference was hosted by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the University of Macedonia and focused on the results and ideas on the state-of-the-art research in learning and instruction, specifically around the topic “Education as a Hope in Uncertain Times”.

Professor Petri Nokelainen represented PGL research group in the conference and presented research on ongoing projects and papers.

Nokelainen talked about the analysis and the use of intensive longitudinal psychophysiological data in the workshop “Analysis of high-arousal teaching episodes through video-recorded data” organized by the Research Council of Finland funded research project “Enhancing higher education teachers’ teaching processes and well-being – THEwellbeing”. In the project, a marker of sympathetic nervous system activity (Electrodermal Activity; EDA) of university teachers is measured during teaching episodes. Analyzing these kinds of data requires burdensome data preparation and analysis but allows the examination of objective arousal data in authentic teaching situations which is unattainable through other means.

Additionally, Nokelainen presented the results from a manuscript considering autonomy, emotions, arousal, and development of competence in daily work situations in a symposium “Intensive longitudinal methods – The way forward in researching professional learning”. The results revealed that autonomy and prevailing positive and activating emotional states were the strongest predictors for the self-assessed development of competence. Objectively measured arousal levels were positively related to the development of competence. Also, emotional valence (pos/neg) and activating emotions were positive mediators between autonomy and competence.

In addition to topical presentations and keynotes, the conference provided a great opportunity to establish and renew already familiar and new international research collaborations.


Conference website:

EARLI website: