The project investigates language awareness and ideologies of professionals with mainly collaborative research methods, applying principles of Exploratory Practice and Citizen Science. Research collaboration is co-constructed together with participants in order to make the research environment as a personally meaningful learning environment for all participants. Theoretically the project contextualizes in the crossroad of Applied Folk Linguistics and Third Wave Sociolinguistics.
Sub projects:
(1) Exploring ‘language regard’ in cross-disciplinary learning environment involving Theater arts students and MA students of Finnish language
Research group:
Johanna Vaattovaara (PI, TAU); Tiina Syrjä (TAU, ITC, Näty); Santeri Niskanen, Kuopion kaupunginteatteri;
Judith Hanks (School of Education, University of Leeds)
Vaattovaara, Johanna & Tiina Syrjä 2020: Tutkiva käytäntö tieteidenvälisessä oppimisympäristössä – tapaustutkimus näyttelijäntaiteen ja suomen opiskelijoiden kielitietoisuuden ja asiantuntijuuden kasvun kokemuksista. Paulasto, H. & S. Pöyhönen (toim.). Kieli ja taide – soveltavan kielentutkimuksen ja taiteen risteämiä. Language and the arts – creative inquiry in applied linguistics. AFinLA-e. Soveltavan kielitieteen tutkimuksia n:o 74, s. 57–83. [Exploratory Practice in a multidisciplinary learning environment – a case study on the growth of language awareness and professional expertise]
Riikonen, Ida 2021: “Kokonainen kielestä kantapäähän”: Näyttelijäopiskelijoiden kielitietoisuudet ja kieliasiantuntijuus. Pro gradu -tutkielma (suomen kieli), Informaatioteknologian ja viestinnän tiedekunta.
Niskanen, Santeri 2021: Murreruumiskin näyttelee: Ruumiillisten identiteettien suhde näyttelijäntaiteeseen. Pro gradu -tutkielma, teatterityön maisteriohjelma, Informaatioteknologian ja viestinnän tiedekunta.
(2) Academic staff in the making of (teaching) video materials accessible
The project investigates how the academic personnel across different fields and professional backgrounds orient to and experience subtitling of educational videos as work processes. The project also investigates characteristic and quality of the lay-subtitled materials in the light of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
Researchers: Helmi Marttila, Johanna Vaattovaara
Marttila, Helmi 2022: Digitaalisen saavutettavuuden repliikit. Yliopiston akateemisen henkilökunnan uudelleenmuotoilun ratkaisut kielensisäisissä tekstityksissä. MA Thesis, Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences.
(3) Medical professionals as reflective practitioners learning and adapting to patients’ linguistic variation of Finnish
This sub project engages medical professional speaking Finnish as their second language to co-research their approaches to variation of Finnish, and their challenges and advances in managing linguistic variation in professional encounters. The medical professionals involved are physicians who have completed their medical studies outside EU and are in the process of getting the licence to practice their profession in Finland.
Researchers: Taina Pitkänen, Johanna Vaattovaara
Contact information:
Johanna Vaattovaara