Myth/truth about the power of visuality
Tuesday 11 February 2025 at 17:30–19:00, Teatterimonttu, Tampere University Central Campus, Kalevantie 4
- You can’t trust social media images – myth or truth?
Professor of Visual Culture Studies Asko Lehmuskallio - Propaganda triumphs over reality in Russia – myth or truth?
University Lecturer in Russian Language Saara Ratilainen
About the presenters:
Professor of Visual Culture Studies Asko Lehmuskallio is interested in the role of images and related technologies in society, and in particular how imagery affects our understanding of information.
University Lecturer in Russian Language and Culture Saara Ratilainen has studied Russian media, such as youth social media communities, independent online media, television series and women’s magazines. She is currently leading a project investigating media and feminism in Russia.
The lecture series is organized by the Tampere University Communication Sciences Research Centre Taru.