Tampere Studies in Language, Translation and Literature publication series

Plural has a publication series called Tampere Studies in Language, Translation and Literature (2012–) which includes series A (peer reviewed) and B that are issued either as printed or electronic books. The publications can be thematic compilations, doctoral dissertations or other studies in the fields of languages, translation, literature or cultures. The books can be published in several different languages, including English, French, Swedish, German, Finnish and Russian. The emphasis of the  series is on high-quality multidisciplinary research that is significant both in national and international scale.

Series editors-in-chief (A & B):

Eliisa Pitkäsalo
Johanna Koivisto

Series editorial board (A & B):

Soili Hakulinen
Anne Ketola
Zea Kingelin-Orrenmaa
Dinah Krenzler-Behm
Unni Leino
Niina Lilja
Mikhail Mikhailov
Olga Nenonen
Arja Nurmi
Anu Viljanmaa




A2 Ketola, Anne & Mikolič Južnič, Tamara & Paloposki, Outi (toim.) 2020. New Horizons in Translation Research and Education 5.

A1 Juntunen, Hanne & Sandberg, Kirsi & Kocabaş, M. Kübra (toim.) 2018. In Search of Meaning: Literary, Linguistic, and Translational Approaches to Communication.



B8 Haapaniemi, Riku, Laura Ivaska & Sakari Katajamäki (toim.). 2024. Tekstit ympärillämme: Kirjoituksia tekstikäsityksistä ja -käytänteistä.

B7 Koivisto, Johanna (toim.) 2019. På tal om svenskan. Inblickar i svenskundervisningen och -inlärningen i 2020-talets Finland.

B6 Reuter, Ewald (toim.) 2017. Dynamische Gesellschaften – dynamische Kulturen: Sprachliche Verständigung im globalen Zeitalter. Festgabe für Withold Bonner.

B5 Mustanoja, Liisa (toim.) 2017. Arjen sirpaleita ja suuria tunteita : Kirjeet sodan sanoittajina ja ihmissuhteiden ylläpitäjinä 1939–1944.

B4 Isomaa, Saija (toim.) 2016. Ihmistekoja ja tekoihmisiä: Kerrontarakenteita, tekstienvälisiä suhteita ja henkilöhahmoja kotimaisessa fiktiossa.

B3 Pitkäsalo, Eliisa ja Isolahti, Nina (toim.) 2016. Kääntäminen, tulkkaus ja multimodaalisuus. Menetelmiä monimuotoisten viestien tutkimiseen.

B2 Höglund, Mikko & Kakko, Tommi & Miettinen, Mervi & Parviainen, Hanna & Rickman, Paul 2014. Word and Image: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches.

B1 Suojanen, Tytti & Koskinen, Kaisa & Tuominen, Tiina 2012. Käyttäjäkeskeinen kääntäminen.



A4 Koivisto, Johanna & Nikula, Kristina (toim.) 2009. Med bilden i tiden.

A3 Lehtimäki, Markku & Leisti, Simo & Rytkönen, Marja (toim.) 2007. Real Stories, Imagined Realities.

A2 Tammi, Pekka & Tommola, Hannu (toim.) 2006. FREE language INDIRECT translation DISCOURSE narratology.

A1 Mauranen, Anna & Jantunen, Jarmo H. (toim.) 2005. Käännös suomeksi. Tutkimuksia suomennosten kielestä.



B5 Havu, Jukka & Klippi, Carita & Hakulinen, Soili & Jacob, Philippe & Santisteban, Fernández José (toim.) 2010. Actes du XVIIe congrés des romanistes scandinaves / Actas del XVII congreso de romanistas escandinavos

B4 Kinnunen, Tuija & Koskinen, Kaisa (toim.) 2010. Translators’ Agency.

B3 O’Dell, Michael L. & Nieminen, Tommi (toim.) 2008. Fonetiikan päivät 2008.

B2 Pajunen, Anneli & Tommola, Hannu (toim.) 2006. XXXII Kielitieteen päivät Tampereella 19.­20.5.2005.

B1 Latomaa, Sirkku (toim.) 2004. Äidinkieli ja toiset kielet: Pohjoismainen kaksikielisyystyöpaja Tampereella 18.-20.10.2002.


Publication and review process

The Tampere Studies in Language, Translation and Literature series has a three-tiered editorial process in evaluating scholarly manuscripts. In phase one, the series editors-in-chief receive the publication proposal and comment on it. In phase two, the publication proposal is evaluated by the series editorial board, which will suggest any corrections needed. The editorial board will decide on accepting the manuscript (series B) or sending it to be reviewed (series A).

In phase three, the editors of each volume will send the manuscript to be peer reviewed to at least two reviewers, who must be approved by the series editors-in-chief, external to Tampere University, and independent of the series editorial board (series A). In case of an edited volume with multiple articles, each article must have a separate review process. The review process is double blind. The editor of the volume will anonymise the manuscript and the articles included in it before peer review. For series A, peer review must be carried out in accordance with best practice standards, qualitative and ethical. The series agrees to comply with the requirements of the peer-review label granted to series A. Volumes in series B may be published without a review process. After the review process, the editorial board will make the final decision on whether to publish the offered volume. On the basis of reviewers’ statements, the volume or some of the articles in an edited volume may remain unpublished.

The deadline for review reports is approximately one month after receiving the manuscript. The reports are to be written in accordance with the instructions provided by the series, using the series’ peer review form. The reviewer must state an overall view on whether the manuscript can be published, and give reasons for their view. The report must further specify whether the manuscript should be accepted as is, or with minor or major changes. The report may also recommend that the manuscript should not be published. If the reviewer suggests minor changes, the author should modify their manuscript taking the reviewer’s suggestions into consideration. If the manuscript needs major changes, it will be re-reviewed after the changes have been carried out. All review reports should be sent to the series email address; the editors-in-chief will forward them to the editor of an individual volume. All reports will be archived. The decision to publish or not is made by the editors of the volume, the editorial board of the series and eventually the series editors-in-chief. The data for both accepted and declined peer-reviewed manuscripts will be archived for at least five years, permanently if possible.

Instructions for reviewers

It is essential to evaluate the manuscript as a whole in the report, taking a stand on the scholarly quality of the content. The report will be submitted using the series peer review form, where assessment is given on goals of the study, research questions, command of the theoretical framework, appropriateness of data, data collection and analysis methods, use of references and implementation of the study, as well as the reliability of presentation and results. The evaluation should also comment on the clarity, intelligibility, argumentation and style of the manuscript. Furthermore, the reviewer should fill in the covering letter attached to the peer review form, marking whether the manuscript should be accepted. The reviewer may also comment on the manuscript file directly. In their comments, the reviewer should show clearly the parts where changes are needed and include suggestions for improvements. The report and comments should be in an objective tone with sufficient reasoning. The reviewers are not monetarily compensated, but reviews are considered academic merit.

Responsible conduct of research

The series is committed to follow the Responsible Conduct of Research and Procedures for Handling Allegations of Misconduct in Finland guidelines by the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity. Manuscripts and related material are protected by copyright. The reviewers are always bound by confidentiality. The manuscript may not be discussed with or shown to outsiders. The content of an unpublished manuscript may not be made use of without the permission of the author. Any suspected plagiarism and inadequacy in marking sources must always be mentioned in the peer review report.

