Finnspired Sino Talk 3: Science and Technology in/between China and Finland

On November 28th, 2018, the third event of ‘Finnspired Sino Talk’ serial events took place in Tampere, Finland. The event was co-organized by the Sino-Finnish Education Research Center, University of Tampere (SFERC) and Chinese Students and Scholars Association in Tampere (CSSA-Tampere ry). The event concentrated on the recent development of science and technology in China and Finland, as well as in the Finnish-Chinese cooperation.

‘Finnspired Sino Talk’ serial event was first co-initiated by CSSA-Tampere ry and Chinese Students and Scholars Association in Jyvaskyla (CSSA-Jyvaskyla ry) in 2018. It aims to create a platform for Chinese scholars and students to share their thoughts and ideas inspired in Finland, and for Finnish citizens to share their thinking and ideas in related to China. The ultimate goal of the initiative is to enhance communication and cooperation between Chinese community and Finnish society, and enhance the international understanding of China and Chinese Talents. Under the support of Chines Embassy in Finland, the first and second event of the ‘Finnspired Sino Talk’ serial events were organized in Tampere and Jyvaskyla earlier this year in April and May respectively, through the joint efforts of SFERC, CSSA-Tampere ry, CSSA-Jyvaskyla ry, and Jyvaskyla University of Applied Sciences (JAMK).

The event included two very interesting and inspiring short lectures by two distinguished guest speakers, Mr. Zhijun Yang from Chinese Embassy in Finland and Dr. Sakari Puisto from Tampere City Council.

Mr. Zhijun Yang began with the introduction of the fast development in the area of science and technology in China. He pointed out this year is the 40th anniversary of Reform and Openning-up policy in China, which also symbolized a milestone of China’s development since its foundation. And in the passed four decades, China has grown fast in various areas, including industry, foreign trade, Research and Development investment, innovation investment. Particularly China has advanced rapidly in Hi-Tech achievement in the last decade. Later, he discussed the status quo and future opportunities in cooperation between China and Finland in the area of science and technology. Besides explain the policy background in the area, he also provided concrete suggestions on seeking for funding, deepening cooperation, and unitizing the existed resources. In the end of the lecture, Mr. Yang invited all participants and wider public to share with the Section of Science and Technology of Chinese Embassy in Finland about their proposals on science and technology cooperation with China, which manifest the openness and willingness of Chinese Embassy in Finland to support the science and technology development in Finnish-Chinese cooperation.


Later, after a short coffee break, Dr. Sakari Puisto gave his talk on science and technology in Finland, Europe and China. Dr. Puisto first introduced his background and his encounters with China. And then he highlighted the importance of science and technology, particularly the innovation in science and technology to the economy development, not only in China, in Finland but in the world’s landscape. Dr. Puisto pointed out Finland is currently the leading country regarding innovation cooperation between companies and academia in the world. The Finnish government emphasizes on the development of bio-economy, clean energy, digitalization and health development to boost the economy development. He highlighted several future opportunities and developmental trend for the future, and drew out attention to them, such as bio-economy, digitalization, entrepreneurial economy (start-up encouragement), ecosystem in the society, and so on.

For more details of their talks, please see the online video of the event, and refer to their lecture slides and their bibliography in the end of the news.

After their inspiring talks, the audiences asked questions and participated in the discussion lively. Issues such as research export, ethics of science and technology research, involvement of talents from both sides in science and technology cooperation between China and Finland, etc.

In the end, Mr. Jani Kohonen, coordinator of International Education Center of University of Tampere and Ms. Gaoming Zheng, chairperson of CSSA Tampere ry, on behalf of the co-organizers, presented some gifts for the guest speakers and expressed their thanks on behalf of the audience. And all the participants joined in the group photo together happily. The discussion was also active and lively, the participants and speakers continued their discussion even after the end of the event.

Text: Gaoming Zheng
Photography: Shuo Yang
Videography: Qianting Liu
Video (password: fam2811):

Science and Technology in Finnish-Chinese cooperation Speakers information
Slide by Zhijun Yang
Slide by Sakari Puisto


Finnspired Sino Talk 3之中芬科技成功举办!

2018年11月28日, Finnspired Sino Talk系列活动之三:中芬科技,在芬兰坦佩雷成功举办。此次活动由中芬教育研究中心和坦佩雷华人学生学者联合会(坦佩雷学联)联合举办。

Finnspired Sino Talk 最初由坦佩雷学联和于韦斯屈莱学联联合发起,旨在创造一个中芬观点交流和火花碰撞的平台。活动希望能够通过邀请在芬华人学生学者分享他们的研究学习心得和发现,同时邀请芬兰人分享其对中国的见解和体会,从而加强双方的相互理解,逐渐构建一个良好的交流平台。2018年4月和5月,在中国大使馆的支持下,在多方的共同努力下,包括中芬教育研究中心、坦佩雷学联、于韦斯屈莱学联、JAMK应用科技大学的协同合作下,Finnspired Sino Talk 第一讲和第二讲分别在坦佩雷和于韦斯屈莱成功举行。

此次活动为Finnspired Sino Talk系列活动的第三讲,我们成功邀请到了驻芬中国大使馆科技处处长杨志军老师和坦佩雷市议员Sakri Puisto博士担任我们的主讲人。活动在坦佩雷学联外联部副部长蒋子逸主持下顺利开始,首先是杨志军老师为我们讲授中国科技发展的现状,并分析中芬科技合作中的机遇。今年是中国改革开放第四十个年头,杨老师带着我们回顾了这四十年来中国在经济、贸易、科技方面取得的飞速发展。特别是近几年来政府对创新创业的重视和鼓励,让中国科技进一步鹏飞。随后杨老师介绍到,今年也是中国高新技术园区建设30周年,并介绍了2017年高新区发展的现状和取得的成就。中国国家的高投入和发展的快速度,所有的数字都让在场的听众不得不佩服。最后,杨老师介绍了目前中芬在科学技术领域的合作,并就合作中双方政府提供的支持,如经费支持、项目框架等等,展开,让听众更了解中芬科技合作的政策环境。最后,杨老师邀请大家如果有中芬科技合作的想法,欢迎联系大使馆科技处,科技处会帮助一同实现想法。




为了感谢主讲人,我们也为他们精心准备了礼物,并由坦佩雷大学国际处亚尼老师Jani Kohonen和坦佩雷学联主席郑高明代表主办方送出。活动最后,我们邀请了听众和主讲人一起拍照留念。

视频链接 (密码: fam2811):


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