The Quality Assurance Guidelines for Sino-Finnish Joint Education Provision: online kick out event [May, 22]

May, 22  at 10-12.00 Helsinki time/ 15-17.00 Beijing time

recording of QA Guidelines presentation

You are warmly welcome to celebrate with us the publication of the The Quality Assurance Guidelines for Sino-Finnish Joint Education Provision – the result of the two-year Project conducted by the Sino-Finnish Education Research Center and the Sino-Finnish Double Degree Center of the Sino-Finnish Joint Learning Innovation Institute (JoLII).  The project was funded by the Global Innovation Network for Teaching and Learning (GINTL), one of the nine global networks in the Internationalization Programme (2021-2024) of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland.

Program (Helsinki time): 

10.00 – 10.05 – Welcome by Yulia Shumilova, researcher, Tampere University

Opening speeches:

10.05 – 10.10 – Dr. Hongzhi SUN, Head of Education Section, Chinese Embassy in Finland  

10.10 – 10.15 – Dr. Helka Luodelahti, Head of Unit, Higher Education and Liberal Adult Education, Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (Karvi) 

10.15 – 10.20 Dr. Olli Suominen, Senior Specialist, Higher education and science policy, Embassy of Finland, Beijing

10.20 – 10.40   – Presentation of the Quality Assurance Guidelines by Dr. Gaoming Zheng, Assistant professor, Tongji University and Suhao Peng, University of Eastern Finland. 

10.40 – 11.20 Q&A, discussion of the future of Sino-Finnish Education cooperation, chaired by Dr. Yuzhuo Cai, Adjunct professor, Senior lecturer, Tampere University

11.20 – 11.30 Closing words by Prof. Ritva Kantelinen, School of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education, University of Eastern Finland. 

We hope that you will have time to get acquainted with the QA guidelines before the event and give us some feedback during the event and/or in this form: