
Tampere Wear Center (TWC) was founded in 2008 to respond to the wear research needs of the Finnish industry. Since then, TWC has grown to a world-renowned research infrastructure, especially in the fields of heavy abrasive and impact wear, fretting, and tribology of machine elements. Tampere Wear Center concentrates on both basic and applied aspects of tribology and wear, trying to bridge the gap between scientific basic research and applied industrial research and development. The aim of TWC is to provide in-depth insight into the mechanisms of tribology and wear and thereby facilitate the development of new wear resistant materials and to find solutions to the practical wear problems constantly faced by the industry.

  • Strengthens the research in the fields of tribology and wear of materials
  • Develops wear-related problem-solving services for industry
  • Versatile and up-to-date research and testing equipment
  • Researchers with knowledge of and expertise in all material groups
  • Numerical contact modeling and experimental verification of the models
  • Special experitise areas are high-stress abrasion, impact wear, slurry erosion, fretting, and tribology of machine elements, such as gears, bearings, and frictional joints