Team member Riie Heikkilä was a keynote speaker at the ”Arbeidsseminar om kulturbruk, publikum og deltaking” organised by the Norwegian Kulturdirektoratet at Voksenåsen Hotell in the Holmenkollen area of Oslo. Her keynote speech ”Hur skall vi förstå kulturdeltagande och icke-deltagande? Sociologiska insikter till debatten” (”How should we understand cultural participation and non-participation? Sociological insights to the debate”) started the two-day seminar. The seminar led to a publication which can be found Open Access at
Keynote speech on cultural participation and non-participation at Oslo, Norway

Dr Riie Heikkilä delivered an invited keynote speech on the sociological insights of cultural participation and non-participation at Oslo, Norway, 11 September 2023