Doctoral Dissertation of M.Sc. (Tech) Milad Mosallaei Fri November 27th at 12:00

The doctoral dissertation of M.Sc. (Tech) Milad Mosallaei titled Improving the Electrical Performance of Printed Stretchable Interconnects by Local Modification of Stiffness will be publicly examined in the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences at Tampere University on Friday 27 November 2020 at 12:00 in Sähkötalo Building auditorium S2, Korkeakoulunkatu 3, Tampere.  The Opponent will be Professor Jan Vanfleteren from Gent University, Belgium via remote connection. The Custos will be Professor Matti Mäntysalo from the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences.

Dissertation is available online via link: Improving the Electrical Performance of Printed Stretchable Interconnects by Local Modification of Stiffness

Public defence can be followed via Zoom link: