New Publication: 'Both responsiveness and standardization: Constructing institutional realities in intermediate labor markets. Pragmatics and Society' (Tiitinen, Juhila, Lempiälä) 4.3.2025 News
New Publication: Relational anonymity in reducing the harms of illicit drug use: accounts of users of dark web- and street-based services in Finland 23.12.2024 News Yleinen
New Publication: The materiality of home visits at the margins of community care before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic 4.11.2024 News Yleinen
New publication 'Displacement and everyday resistance: Seeking spatial justice in urban renewal processes' 3.9.2024 News Yleinen
New Open Access publication: Creating a family centre by categorising clients in a steering group meeting interaction (Räsänen, Raitakari, Juhila) 10.1.2023 News
New Open Access publication 'Housing First: Combatting Long-term Homelessness in Finland' (Juhila, Raitakari & Ranta) 15.9.2022 News
New Open Access publication: Home as a risk environment -Negotiating the boundaries of homes and social relationships in services for people using illicit drugs (Ranta, Räsänen, Raitakari & Juhila) 23.8.2022 News
New Open Access publication: 'Subjectification, Advice Giving and Resistance in Mental Health Home Visit Interactions' (Juhila & Hansen Löfstrand) 4.7.2022 News
New publication: 'The reported responsibilities of mental health workers and clients' in Communication & Medicine 19.4.2022 News