Technologies and use of information in welfare services (2015–)

Researcher in charge: Jenni-Mari Räsänen, DSocSci

A central research theme that I carry out as part of my teaching position, aims to produce new information about the role and meaning of technologies in the recording and exchanging of client information, in the communication between workers and clients and in the planning and assessing of rehabilitation and care in the context of different welfare services. I have studied the interaction between workers and clients via specific videoconference tool, inter-organizational use of the electronic health record and the reported everyday responsibilities in the context of mental health and substance abuse rehabilitation. I have also studied the balancing between the use of assessment methods of functional capacity and everyday work in the context of supported housing. I intend to study the role and meaning of those methods from the point of view of information exchange as well. In addition, the gathering of information during adult social work home visits and the importance of recording and transferring of information in the integrated and multi-agency child and family services are the themes of this research. The studies are ethnomethodologically oriented and focus on technologies and practices of information use as part of the everyday work tasks and routines as well as in the ways they are talked into being and accounted for.


Publications related to the research theme

Räsänen Jenni-Mari (2022) 2020-luvun aikuissosiaalityön tietopohjaa jäsentämässä [Analysing the knowledge-base of adult social work in 2020’s]. Kirja-arvio [Book review]. Janus 3(30), 320322.

Räsänen Jenni-Mari (2022) Kotiin kietoutuva tiedon keruu aikuissosiaalityössä [Gathering information in clientshomes in adult social work services]. In Suvi Raitakari, Kirsi Günther & Jenni-Mari Räsänen (eds.) Koti, hyvinvointityö ja haavoittuvuus [Home, welfare work and vulnerability]. Tampere: Tampere University Press, 216–247. 

Günther Kirsi & Räsänen Jenni-Mari (2022) The reported responsibilities of mental health workers and clients. Communication and Medicine. Advance access published 24.3.2022.

Räsänen Jenni-Mari (2019) Toimintakyvyn arviointimenetelmien käytön ja arkityön tasapainottelua kotiin vietävissä palveluissa [Balancing between the Use of the Assessment Methods of Functional Capacity and Everyday Work in Home-based Services]. Janus 27(2), 111–126.

Raitakari Suvi & Räsänen Jenni-Mari & Kostiainen Tuula & Juhila Kirsi (2019) Integroiva työtapa muotoutuvassa perhekeskuskontekstissa: Kriittisten tekijöiden tarkastelua [Integrated Work as Part of the Shaping Context of Family Centers. Examining the Ciritical Factors]. Tampere: Tampereen yliopisto.

Räsänen Jenni-Mari & Günther Kirsi (2018) Inter-Organisational Use of the Electronic Health Record in Mental HealthCommunication & Medicine 15(1), 65–76.

Räsänen Jenni-Mari & Saario Sirpa (2015) Telecare as Institutional Interaction: Checking up on the Client and Creating Continuity. Journal of Technology in Human Services 33(3), 205–224.