Accessibility and access to justice with comics, November 24

The seminar "Accessibility and access to justice with comics" will take place on Thursday 24 November at 14.00–17.00, online and face-to-face.

What is a comic contract? What is proactive law? How does sustainable and responsible contracting improve access to justice?

The Sarjis research group which studies comics as a means to improve accessibility, organises a seminar titled “Accessibility and access to justice with comics” on Thursday 24 November at 14.00–17.00. In addition to the Sarjis group, speakers in the seminar include the creator of comic contracts, Robert de Rooy, and two pioneers of proactive legal thinking, Gerlinde Berger-Walliser and Helena Haapio. The speakers introduce the audience to comic contracts and proactive legal thinking and how they can be used in the fields of sustainable and responsible contracting and social services.   



14.00–14.15 Welcome words by Sarjis: Oikeutta sarjakuvan keinoin (Access to justice with comics)  

14.15–15.15 Robert de Rooy: Contracts as comics  

15.15–15.45 Coffee service   

15.45–16.15 Gerlinde Berger-Walliser and Helena Haapio: Proactive legal thinking & responsible and sustainable contracting  

16.15–16.45 the Sarjis group: Sarjakuvilla saavutettavuutta sosiaalipalveluihin (Improving the accessibility of social services with comics)  

16.45–17.00 Discussion  


The event is held at the Tampere University, but you can also participate remotely. The event will be interepreted in English and Finnish via Zoom. We request users of the interpretation to bring their own device for joining the Zoom meeting (phone or laptop) and headphones. Registered participants will receive the meeting link and further information on the event venue and program later. 

By filling this form, you can register for the event and inform the organisers about your dietary preferences and food allergies. The seminar is free of charge.

If you will participate on-site, for catering purposes, please register by 13 November 2022 

If you will participate online, register by 21 November 2022

Welcome! Tervetuloa!

If you have questions, please contact