Sustainable Materials for Photonics and Health Technology
Our Research Group
Precision Nanomaterials Group is a multidisciplinary team of researchers at the interface of materials science and biomedical sciences. We focus on efficiently controlling the structure and properties with the highest possible precision. We develop Lab-on-a-chip-based sustainable in vitro preclinical models for personalized and precision breast cancer disease and diagnostic platforms. We fabricate bio-based short-distance optical fibers and microlasers in the optics and photonics areas. Beyond material development, we are actively engaged in advanced electron microscopy imaging, including cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (Cryo-TEM), electron tomography, and in situ electron microscopy. For more information, see our Research Page and Publications.
Our Objectives
Our research activities support the climate-neutral policies, circular economy, European Union Green Deal, United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and Europe´s Beating Cancer Plan by effectively using material stock and flow, creating a new value chain and innovation in good health and well-being. Our specific objectives are:
- To educate and train young researchers to develop multi- and transdisciplinary knowledge, skills, and attitudes
- To engage in biomaterial-based innovative solutions for photonics, optoelectronics, and health technology
- To design and engineer sustainable in vitro disease and diagnostic models for breast cancer
- To implement advanced imaging and image processing tools to study nanoscale dynamics