RESPMAN Research Group
Johanna Kujala
- Professor
- yrityksen johtaminen
- Faculty of Management and Business
- Tampere University
- +358504201509
About me
Dr. Johanna Kujala is a Professor of Management and Organizations and Vice Dean for Research at the Tampere University, Faculty of Management and Business. She has a Title of Docent in Business Administration (Stakeholder Management and Business Ethics), and she is the director of the RESPMAN Responsible Management Research Group at the Tampere University. Johanna has directed several cross-disciplinary research projects, and currently, she is the PI of the Academy of Finland research project titled B2N Business to Nature: Stakeholder Driven Value Creation in Ecosystem Services, as well as a WP leader in the CICAT2025 Circular Economy Catalysts: From Innovation to Business Ecosystems research project funded by the Strategic Research Council of the Academy of Finland. She has acted as a visiting scholar at the Darden School of Business, University of Virginia in 2013, 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2019, and at the University of Chieti and Pescara, Italy, in 2015 and 2017. Johanna has published over 50 scholarly articles in international peer-reviewed journals and volumes. Her current research interests focus on stakeholder engagement and value creation, circular economy and strong sustainability, as well as on case studies on corporate responsibility and sustainability.
Current position
01.01.2019– Vice Dean for Research, Faculty of Management and Business, Tampere University (TAU)
01.03.2017– Professor (Management and Organizations), Faculty of Management and Business, Tampere University (TAU)
Previous work experience
2014–2017 Associate Professor (tenure track), School of Management, UTA
2017, 2015 Visiting research scholar, University of Chieti and Pescara, Italy
2019, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2013 Visiting research scholar, University of Virginia (UVA), USA
2012–2014 Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Advanced Social Research (IASR), UTA
2008–2012 Professor of Management and Organizations (acting), UTA
2006–2007 Lecturer of Management and Organizations, UTA
2003–2006 Senior Researcher, Tampere University of Technology (TUT)
2002–2003 Post-doctoral researcher, TUT

Anna Hannula
- yliopistonlehtori
- yrityksen johtaminen
- Johtamisen ja talouden tiedekunta
- Tampereen yliopisto
- +358503185970
About me
PhD, Senior Lecturer (Management and Organization), Academic Director (MDP in Responsible business) and Adjunct Professor (Business ethics and sustainability) interested in CSR and corporate sustainability, urban nature, stakeholder engagement, climate change, critical examinations of business’ role in the society and business ethics. Member of the RESPMAN Research Group at Tampere University.
Senior Lecturer, Management and Organization, Faculty of Management and Business, Tampere University
Academic Director, MDP in Responsible Business, Faculty of Management and Business, Tampere University
Adjunct Professor (Title of Docent), Business ethics and sustainability, University of Eastern Finland
Research career
Education and other affiliations
Adjunct Professor, Business Ethics and Sustainability, University of Eastern Finland, 5/2019–present
Senior Research Fellow, MAB, Tampere University, 1–7/2019
Professor (acting), Management and Organization, School of Management, University of Tampere, 9–12/2018, 9–12/2017
Postdoctoral researcher, School of Management, University of Tampere, 2015–2018
PhD in Management and Organization, School of Management, University of Tampere, 2014
Master of Science in Management and Organization, School of Management, University of Tampere, 2009
International mobility
Copenhagen Business School, Department of Management, Society and Communication, Visiting researcher, 4–5/2019
Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, Visiting Scholar, 5–6/2018
Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, Visiting PhD Scholar, 1–6/2012
Aarhus School of Business, Exchange student, 2007
Peer-reviewed journal articles and articles in edited books
Kortetmäki, T., Heikkinen, A. & Jokinen, A. 2022. Particularizing nonhuman nature in stakeholder theory: The recognition approach. Journal of Business Ethics, online first. (Open Access )
Kujala, J., Sachs, S., Leinonen, H., Heikkinen, A. & Laude, D. 2022. Stakeholder engagement: Past, present, and future. Business & Society, online first. (Open Access )
Tapaninaho, R. & Heikkinen, A. 2022. Value creation in circular economy business for sustainability: A stakeholder relationship perspective. Business Strategy and the Environment, online first. (Open Access )
Blomberg, A., Heikkinen, A. & Kujala, J. 2021. Sidosryhmävuorovaikutus kestävän liiketoiminnan mahdollistajana [Stakeholder engagement in sustainable business]. In Eräranta, K. & Penttilä, V. (Eds.) Vastuullinen viestintä. Helsinki: ProComma Academic. pp. 60–75. (Open Access )
Gonzalez-Porras, L., Heikkinen, A., Kujala, J. & Tapaninaho, R. 2021. Stakeholder engagement in sustainability transitions. In Teerikangas, S., Onkila, T., Koistinen, K. & Mäkelä, M. (Eds.) Research Handbook of Sustainability Agency. Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 214–229 (Open Access )
Mattila, M., Mesiranta, N. & Heikkinen, A. 2020. Platform-based sustainable business models: Reducing food waste in food services. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 24(4/5), 249–265.
Jokinen, A & Heikkinen, A. 2019. Pääkirjoitus: Luontopohjaiset ratkaisut: käsitteen vakiintumisen reittejä. Alue ja Ympäristö, 48(2), 1–4. (Open Access )
Heikkinen, A., Mäkelä, H., Kujala, J., Nieminen, J., Jokinen, A. & Rekola, H. 2019. Urban ecosystem services and stakeholders: Towards a sustainable capability approach. In Bonnedahl, K. J. & Heikkurinen, P. (eds.) Strongly Sustainable Societies. Organising Human Activities on a Hot and Full Earth. New York, NY: Routledge, 116-133 (Open Access )
Heikkinen, A. 2017. Business Climate Change Engagement: Stakeholder Collaboration in Multi-Stakeholder Networks. In Freeman, R. E., Kujala, J. & Sachs, S. (eds.) Stakeholder Engagement: Clinical Research Cases. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. pp. 231–254
Heikkinen, A., Kujala, J., Laine, M. & Mäkelä, H. 2017. Discourse analysis as a method for business ethics and corporate responsibility research. In Werhane, P. H., Freeman, R. E. & Dmytriyev, S. (eds.) Cambridge Handbook of Research Approaches to Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 138–153.
Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A. & Lehtimäki, H. 2012. Understanding the dynamic nature of stakeholder relationships: An empirical examination of a conflict situation. Journal of Business Ethics, 109(1), 53–65.
Books, edited books and journal special issues
Kudłak, R., Barkemeyer, R., Preuss, L., & Heikkinen, A. (Eds.) 2022. The impact of corporate social responsibility: Corporate activities, the environment and society. Taylor & Francis
Närvänen, E., Mesiranta, N., Mattila, M. & Heikkinen, A. (Eds). 2020. Food Waste Management: Solving the Wicked Problem . Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan
Jokinen, A. & Heikkinen, A. (Eds.). 2019. Special issue: Luontopohjaiset ratkaisut [Nature-based solutions]. Alue ja Ympäristö, 48(2).
Kangas, A., Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A., Lönnqvist, A., Laihonen, H., & Bethwaite, J. (Eds.) 2019. Leading Change in a Complex World: Transdisciplinary Perspectives. Tampere: Tampere University Press (Open Access )
Heikkinen, A. 2014. Discursive Constructions of Climate Change Engagement in Business Organisations. Acta Universitatis Tamperensis 1996. Tampere: Tampere University Press. 167 pp. ISBN 978-951-44-9633-2 Published doctoral dissertation (Open Access )

Matias Laine
- Professor
- laskentatoimi
- Faculty of Management and Business
- Tampere University
- +358503187752
About me
My research interests are at the interface of business, society and the natural environment. I am interested in understanding the role of private corporations and business world in the societies' struggle with the escalating global environmental challenges. I consider accounting and accountability to be of major importance in this quest. More specifically, I keep asking whether the increased popularity of the so called sustainability accounting and reporting in the corporate sector actually enhances societies' pursuit of sustainability.
Research Group on Sustainability and Critical Accounting
Research fields
Sustainability accounting; Social and environmental accounting; Critical accounting; Sustainability disclosures; CSR
Centre for Social and Environmental Accountability Research: Executive Council Co-Convenor 2023- (member 2007-)
European Accounting Review: Incoming Co-Editior 2024-2027
European Accounting Association: Standing Scientific Committee Member 2019-2024
European Accounting Association: Conference Committee Chair 2015-2021
European Accounting Association: Management Committee Member 2020-2021
Social and Environmental Accountability Journal: Co-Editor 2016-2019
Editorial Board member for several journals, including Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Critical Perspectives on Accounting and European Accounting Review
Selected publications:
Bebbington, J., Laine, M., Larrinaga, C. & Michelon, G. (in press). Environmental Accounting in the European Accounting Review: A Reflection. European Accounting Review.
Correa, C., Laine, M. & Larrinaga, C. (2023). Taking the world seriously: Autonomy, reflexivity and engagement research in social and environmental accounting. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 102554.
Laine, M., Tregidga, H. & Unerman, J. (2022). Sustainability Accounting and Accountability. 3rd Ed. Routledge.
Järvinen, J., Laine, M., Hyvönen, T. & Kantola, H. (2022). Just Look at the Numbers: A Case Study on Quantification in Corporate Environmental Disclosures. Journal of Business Ethics, 175, 23-44.
Tregidga H. & Laine, M. (2022). On crisis and emergency. Is it time to rethink long-term environmental accounting. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 82, 102311.
Laine, M., Scobie, M., Sorola, M. & Tregidga, H. (2020). Special Issue Editorial: Social and Environmental Account/Ability 2020 and Beyond. Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 40(1), 1-22.
André, K., Cho. C.H. & Laine, M. (2018). Reference points for measuring social performance: A case study of a social business venture. Journal of Business Venturing, 33(5), 660-678.
Vinnari, E. & Laine, M. (2017). The moral mechanism of counter accounts: The case of industrial animal production. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 57, 1-17.
Ylönen M. & Laine M. (2015). “For logistical reasons only? A case study of tax planning and corporate social responsibility reporting”. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 33, 5-23.
Cho C.H., Laine M., Roberts R.W. and Rodrigue M. (2015). “Organized Hypocrisy, Organizational Façades, and Sustainability Reporting”. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 40(1), 78-94.
Hannele Mäkelä
- University Lecturer
- Yrityksen laskentatoimi
- Faculty of Management and Business
- Tampere University
- +358503186010
Oana Apostol
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- Faculty of Management and Business
- Tampere University
- +358504007838
About me
I am currently working for the Academy of Finland project entitled Constructing accountability in business-stakeholder relationships: the role of CSR communication at the Faculty of Management and Business. Prior to this, I held research-oriented positions at Turku School of Economics.
I am broadly interested in the social and environmental dimensions of business organisations, as approached from an accounting angle. Among the more specific research topics I have been investigated is corporate sustainability communication that I have looked at from a critical stance. In recent times, particularly attractive to me is to explore the question of how accounting practices could be transformed to serve sustainability purposes rather than business interests, as they currently seem to do. One of the avenues that I have worked with stems from the possibility to mobilize accounting practices outside the business sector and use them to empower e.g. non-governmental organisations or social movements. Another research topic that I currently investigate looks at accountants and their role in changing accounting practices within business organisations in a way that better takes into consideration sustainability aims.
Research topics
sustainability accounting, counter-accounting, social movements, accountants and sustainability, accountability
Albu, N., Albu, C.N., Apostol, O. and Cho, C. (2021), The past is never dead: the role of imprints in shaping social and environmental reporting in a post-communist context. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 34(5), 1109-1136.
Apostol, O., Mäkelä, M., Heikkilä, K., Höyssä, K., Jokinen, L. and Saarni, J. (2021), Triggering sustainability communication in a B2B context: combining action research and sensemaking. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 34(4), 849-876.
Apostol, O. & Pop, A. (2019), ‘Paying taxes is losing money’: A qualitative study on institutional logics in the tax consultancy field in Romania, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 58, 1-23.
Apostol, O. (2015), A project for Romania? The role of the civil society’s counter-accounts in facilitating democratic change in society, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 28(2), 210–241.
Apostol, O. and Näsi, S. (2014), Firm - employee relationships from a social responsibility perspective: Developments from communist thinking to market ideology in Romania. A mass media story, Journal of Business Ethics, 119(3), 301–315.
Timo Heikkilä
- Doctoral Researcher
- Faculty of Management and Business
- Tampere University
- +358503182552
Annika Blomberg
- University Lecturer
- Faculty of Management and Business
- Tampere University
- +358505258403
Jenni Laaksonen
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- Faculty of Management and Business
- Tampere University
About me
Member of
- Research Group on Sustainability and Critical Accounting
The Changing Translatorial Landscape research group
Also affiliated with
- The Centre for Accounting Theory and Research at the University of Innsbruck

Maili Marjamaa
- Visiting Researcher
- Faculty of Management and Business
- Tampere University
Hanna Salminen
- Research Specialist
- Research and Innovation Services
- Tampere University
- +358401909660
About me
I work as a Research Specialist in the Faculty of Management and Business (MAB). My task is to assist Vice Dean for Research in the development of the research activities and help the faculty's researchers in research-related matters, such as funding applications.
I have worked in different research and teaching positions at Tampere University and at the University of Jyväskylä. I have received my PhD in Business studies in 2012 and I am a docent in organizational behaviour at Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics.
- Supporting funding applicants (eg. EU, Academy of Finland) together with the Research Services
- Informing researchers about research-related matters
- Developing the follow-up of research activities
- Faculty’s science communication (e.g. Influencer blog) and its development
- Developing faculty’s open access -policies
- Coordinating the work of the faculty's research development group
- Processing the research permits related to the faculty
- Secretary of the faculty’s Docent Committee
Riikka Tapaninaho
- University Instructor
- yrityksen johtaminen
- Faculty of Management and Business
- Tampere University
- +358504377068
Agreed upon
About me
University teacher and PhD researcher on sustainable value creation and stakeholder relationships
Research projects: Business to Nature (B2N) ( and CICAT2025 Circular Economy Catalysts (
Research group: RESPMAN Research Group (
Teaching 2019-2020
KATVAS12 Sidosryhmäteoria ja -johtaminen
KATJOS44 Henkilöstöjohtamisen ajankohtaisia teemoja
Eija Vinnari
- Professor
- Public financial management
- Faculty of Management and Business
- Tampere University
- +358503187602
On request
About me
Member of: Research Group on Sustainability and Critical Accounting, Research Group on Public Financial Management
Field of expertise
Accounting, financial management, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, public sector, critical research, interpretive research, animals
Most important publications:
Apostol, O., Mäkelä, H. & Vinnari, E. (forthcoming). Cultural sustainability and the construction of (in)commensurability: cultural heritage at the Roşia Montană mining site. Critical Perspectives on Accounting.
Lukka, K., Modell, S. and Vinnari, E. 2022. Exploring the “theory is king” thesis in accounting research: the case of actor-network theory. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 35(9), 136-167.
Vinnari, E. & Vinnari, M. (2022). Making the invisibles visible: including animals in sustainability (and) accounting. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 82, 102324.
Vinnari, E., Baxter, J. & Chua, W.F. (2022). Accounting, accountability and animals. Editorial. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 84, paper 102412.
Vinnari, E. (2021). Animals, activists and accounting: On confronting an intellectual dead end. Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 41(3), 194-200.
Silvola, H. & Vinnari, E. (2021). The limits of institutional work: a field study on auditors’ efforts to promote sustainability assurance in a trust society. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 34(1), 1-30.
Peda, P. & Vinnari, E. (2020). The discursive legitimation of profit in public-private service delivery. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 69.
Dillard, J. & Vinnari, E. (2019). Critical dialogic accountability: From accounting-based accountability to accountability-based accounting. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 62, 16-38.
Vinnari, E. & Dillard, J. (2016). (ANT)agonistics: Pluralistic politicization of, and by, accounting and its technologies. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 39, 25-44.
Lukka, K. & Vinnari, E. (2014). Domain theory and method theory in management accounting research. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 27(8), 1308-1338.
Vinnari, E. & Skaerbaek, P. (2014). The uncertainties of risk management - A field study on risk management internal audit practices in a Finnish municipality. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 27(3), 489-526.
Vinnari, M. & Vinnari, E. (2014). A framework for sustainability transition: The case of plant-based diets. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 27, 369–396.