This page presents publications from the RESPMAN research group members. For publications not available open access, please contact the author(s). The list does not represent full publication records of the researchers.
This page presents publications from the RESPMAN research group members. For publications not available open access, please contact the author(s). The list does not represent full publication records of the researchers.
Blomberg, A., Kujala, J. & Heikkinen, A. (2023). Multi-stakeholder networks in a circular economy transition: A typology of stakeholder relationships. In Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A. & Blomberg, A. (eds.), Stakeholder engagement in a sustainable circular economy. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 133–164. Link.
Heikkinen, A., Jokinen, A. & Kujala, J. (2023). Language is a key in catalyzing biodiversity action in business. Amplify, 36(3). Link.
Heikkinen, A., Kujala, J. & Blomberg, A. (2023). Outlining stakeholder Engagement in a sustainable circular economy. In Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A. & Blomberg, A. (eds.), Stakeholder engagement in a sustainable circular economy. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1–15. Link.
Jokinen, A., Jokinen, P., Aarikka-Stenroos, L., Kokko, M., Kujala, J., Lehtimäki, H. & Nieminen, J. (2023). Catalysts for urban circularity: Reasoning by analogy. In Lehtimäki, H., Aarikka-Stenroos, L., Jokinen, A. & Jokinen, P. (eds.), The Routledge handbook of catalysts for a sustainable circular economy. Routledge, pp. 21–41. Link.
Kujala, J. & Heikkinen, A. (2023). Nature. In Rendtorff, J. D. & Bonnafous-Boucher, M. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Stakeholder Management. Edward Elgar, pp. 227–233.
Lehtimäki, H., Jokinen, A. & Pitkänen, J. (2023). Project-based practices for promoting a sustainability transition in a city organization and its urban context. International Journal of Project Management, 41(7). Link.
Lehtimäki, H., Kujala, J. & Thatchenkery, T. (2023). Enablers of a circular economy: A strength-based stakeholder engagement approach. In Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A. & Blomberg, A. (eds.), Stakeholder engagement in a sustainable circular economy. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 365–392. Link.
Leino, H., Laine, M., Jokinen, A. & Jokinen, P. (2023). Nordic environmental state in the making? A practice view on green transition. In Pekkola, E., Johanson, J-E. & Mykkänen, M. (eds.) Finnish Public Administration. Nordic Public Space and Agency. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 279–291. Link.
Salminen, H., Heikkinen, A., & Kujala, J. (2023). Connecting the circular economy and sustainability: Finnish stakeholder perceptions. In Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A. & Blomberg, A. (eds.), Stakeholder engagement in a sustainable circular economy. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 427–457. Link.
Tapaninaho, R. & Kujala, J. (2023). Sustainability. In Rendtorff, J. D. & Bonnafous-Boucher, M. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Stakeholder Management. Edward Elgar, pp. 350–355.
Kortetmäki, T., Heikkinen, A. & Jokinen, A. (2022). Particularizing nonhuman nature in stakeholder theory: The recognition approach. Journal of Business Ethics, 185, 17–31. Link.
Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A., Jokinen, A. & Tapaninaho, R. (2022). Stakeholder engagement in the generation of urban ecosystem services: The case of the Vuores stormwater system. South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, 11(1). Link.
Kujala, J., Sachs, S., Leinonen, H., Heikkinen, A. & Laude, D. (2022). Stakeholder Engagement: Past, Present, and Future. Business and Society, 61(5) Link.
Kujala, J. & Salminen, H. (2022). Neljännesvuosisata suomalaista yritysvastuuta: Sidosryhmävastuullisuus ja sen muutokset suomalaisissa yrityksissä 1994–2019. In Heikkinen, S. & Siltaoja, M. (Eds.) Henkilöstöjohtamisen professori Anna-Maija Lämsän juhlakirja. Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics, pp. 69–81. Link.
Lehtimäki, H., Heikkinen, A. & Kujala, J. (2022). Case study method in addressing sustainable innovation in business and management. South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases. Link.
Nylén, E-J. & Jokinen, A. (2022). Combinatorial perspective on ideas, concepts, and policy change. Environmental Politics, 32(2), 338-361. Link.
Sihvo Matikainen, L. (2022). Addressing sustainability in the mining industry through stakeholder engagement. South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, 11(1), 35–48. Link.
Turku, V., Jokinen, A. & Jokinen, P. (2022). How do time-bound practices initiate local sustainability pathways? Sustainable Cities and Society, 79. Link.
Blomberg, A., Heikkinen, A. & Kujala, J. (2021). Sidosryhmävuorovaikutus kestävän liiketoiminnan mahdollistajana [Stakeholder engagement in sustainable business]. In Eräranta, K. & Penttilä, V. (Eds.) Vastuullinen viestintä. Helsinki: ProComma Academic. pp. 60–75. Link.
Gonzalez-Porras, L., Heikkinen, A. & Kujala, J. (2021). Understanding stakeholder influence: Lessons from a controversial megaproject. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 2/3, 191–213. Link.
Gonzalez-Porras, L., Heikkinen, A., Kujala, J. & Tapaninaho, R. (2021). Stakeholder engagement in sustainability transitions. In Teerikangas, S., Onkila, T., Koistinen, K. & Mäkelä, M. (Eds.) Research Handbook of Sustainability Agency. Edward Elgar Publishing. Link.
Marjamaa, M., Salminen, H., Kujala, J., Tapaninaho, R. & Heikkinen, A. (2021). A sustainable circular economy: Exploring stakeholder interests in Finland. South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, 10(1), 50–62. Link.
Mattila, M., Mesiranta, N. & Heikkinen, A. (2020). Platform-based sustainable business models: reducing food waste in food services. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 24(4/5), 249–265. Link.
Närvänen, E., Mesiranta, N., Mattila, M. & Heikkinen, A. (Eds). (2020). Food Waste Management: Solving the Wicked Problem. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. Link.
Närvänen, E., Mesiranta, N., Mattila, M. & Heikkinen, A. (2020). Introduction: A framework for managing foodwaste. In Närvänen, E., Mesiranta, N., Mattila, M. & Heikkinen, A. (Eds). Food Waste Management: Solving the Wicked Problem. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 1–24. Link to OA article.
Salminen, H., Kujala, J., Tapaninaho, R., Marjamaa, M. & HEIKKINEN, A. 2020. Sidosryhmien intressit kestävän kiertotalouden edistämiseksi Suomessa. Yritysetiikka (Business Ethics), 12(1), 40-51. Link.
Heikkinen, A., Kujala, J. & Inha, M. (2019) Stakeholder engagement in a non-profit organisation: An issue-based perspective. International Journal of Human Resource Development and Management, 19(1), 5–20.
Heikkinen, A., Kujala, J., Jokinen, A., Nieminen, J. & Kaukonen, A. (2019). Case green roofs in Finland: Green roof standard formation as a social process. In Dey, A. K. & Lehtimäki, H. Evolving Business Models in Ecosystem of Disruptive Technologies and Social Media. New Delhi: Bloomsbury, 182–192.
Heikkinen, A., Mäkelä, H., Kujala, J., Nieminen, J., Jokinen, A. & Rekola, H. (2019) Urban ecosystem services and stakeholders: Towards a sustainable capability approach. In Bonnedahl, K. J. & Heikkurinen, P. (eds.) Strongly Sustainable Societies. Organising Human Activities on a Hot and Full Earth. New York, NY: Routledge, 116–133 (Open Access)
Heikkinen, A., Nieminen, J., Kujala, J., Mäkelä, H., Jokinen, A., & Lehtonen, O. (2019). Stakeholder Engagement in the Generation of Urban Ecosystem Services. In Kangas, A., Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A., Lönnqvist, A., Laihonen, H., Bethwaite, J. (eds.) Leading Change in a Complex World: Transdisciplinary Perspectives. Tampere: Tampere University Press, 29-44 (Open Access)
Jokinen, A & Heikkinen, A. 2019. Pääkirjoitus: Luontopohjaiset ratkaisut: käsitteen vakiintumisen reittejä. Alue & Ympäristö, 48(2), 1–4. Link to article.
Jokinen, A., Kujala, J., Haapaniemi, L. & Heikkinen, A. (2019). Eco-innovation of a power line company to mitigate ecological impacts. In Dey, A. K. & Lehtimäki, H. Evolving Business Models in Ecosystem of Disruptive Technologies and Social Media. New Delhi: Bloomsbury, 112–125.
Kangas, A., Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A., Lönnqvist, A., Laihonen, H., & Bethwaite, J. (2019). Leading Change in a Complex World: Transdisciplinary Perspectives. Tampere: Tampere University Press PDF file OA article
Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A., Nieminen, J., Jokinen, A., Lehtonen, O., Tapaninaho, R. & Mäkelä, H. (2019). Stakeholder interests in ecosystem services. Case Vuores stormwater system. In Day, A. K. & Lehtimäki, H. Evolving Business Models in Ecosystem of Disruptive Technologies and Social Media. New Delhi: Bloomsbury, 136–146.
Kujala, J., Lehtimäki, H. & Freeman, R. E. (2019). A stakeholder approach to value creation. In Kangas, A., Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A., Lönnqvist, A. & Laihonen, H. (eds.) Leadership for Change. Tampere: Tampere University Press, 123-143. PDF file OA article
Kujala, J. & Sachs, S. (2019). The practice of stakeholder engagement. In Harrison, J. S., Barney, J. B., Freeman, R. E. & Phillips, R. A. (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Stakeholder Theory.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 227–241.
Puroila, J. & Mäkelä, H. (2019). Matter of opinion: Materiality assessment in sustainability reporting. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal.
Tapaninaho, R. & Kujala, J. (2019). Reviewing the stakeholder value creation literature: Towards a sustainability approach. In Leal Filho, W. (ed.) Social Responsibility and Sustainability: How Businesses and Organizations Can Operate in a Sustainable and Socially Responsible Way? Dordrecht: Springer, 3-36.
Tapaninaho, R. & Lähde, E. (2019). Multi-Stakeholder Cooperation for Green Infrastructure: Creating Sustainable Value. In Day, A. K. & Lehtimäki, H. Evolving Business Models in Ecosystem of Disruptive Technologies and Social Media. New Delhi: Bloomsbury, 169–181.
André, K., Cho. C.H. & Laine, M. (2018). Reference points for measuring social performance: A case study of a social business venture. Journal of Business Venturing, 33(5), 6609–678.
Cho, C.H., Laine, M., Roberts, R.W. & Rodrigue, M. (2018). The frontstage and backstage of corporate sustainability reporting: Evidence from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Bill. Journal of Business Ethics, 3, 865–886
Gonzalez Porras, L., Heikkinen, A., & Kujala, J. (2018). Case Botnia in Uruguay: Stakeholder influence strategies. In Dey, A. J. & Thatchenkery, T. (eds.) Leveraging Human Resources for Humanizing Management Practices and Fostering Entrepreneurship. New Delhi, India: Bloomsbury, pp. 246–258. Article awarded with Dr G D Sardana Memorial Young Scholar Award
Heikkinen, A. & Mäkelä, H. (2018). Responsible mining operations in Finland? Case Talvivaara. In Dey, A. J. & Thatchenkery, T. (eds.) Advances in Social Change, Leadership & Organizational Decision Making. New Delhi, India: Bloomsbury, pp. 143–150.
Leppänen, R., Kujala, J. & Heikkinen, A. 2018. Näkökulmia suomalaisten pk-yritysten kehitysmaaliiketoimintaan. Yritysetiikka, 10(1), 22–37. Link to OA article.
Dillard, J. & Vinnari, E. (2017). A case study of critique: Critical perspectives on critical accounting. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 43, 88–109.
Dmytriyev, S., Freeman, R. Edward, Kujala, Johanna & Sachs, Sybille. (2017). A pragmatist perspective on management scholarship and on stakeholder engagement in particular. In Freeman, R. E., Kujala, J. & Sachs, S. (eds.) Stakeholder Engagement: Clinical Research Cases. Dordrecht: Springer, 391–400.
Freeman, R. E., Kujala, J., Sachs, S. & Stutz, C. (2017). Stakeholder engagement: Practicing the ideas of stakeholder theory. In Freeman, R. E., Kujala, J. & Sachs, S. (eds.) Stakeholder Engagement: Clinical Research Cases. Dordrecht: Springer, 1–12.
Heikkinen, A. (2017). Business Climate Change Engagement: Stakeholder Collaboration in Multi-Stakeholder Networks. In Freeman, R. E., Kujala, J. & Sachs, S. (eds.) Stakeholder Engagement: Clinical Research Cases. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. pp. 231–254
Heikkinen, A., Kujala, J., Laine, M. & Mäkelä, H. (2017). Discourse Analysis as a Method for Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility Research. In Werhane, P. & Freeman, R. E. (eds.) Cambridge Handbook of Research Approaches to Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 138–153.
Kujala, J. (2017). Vastuu johtaa: Sidosryhmäsuhteet ja vastuullisuus johtamisessa. Hallinnon tutkimus, 36(4), 284–287.
Kujala, J. & Korhonen, A. (2017). Value creating stakeholder relationships in the context of CSR. In Freeman, R. E., Kujala, J. & Sachs, S. (eds.) Stakeholder Engagement: Clinical Research Cases. Dordrecht: Springer, 63–85.
Kujala, J., Lehtimäki, H. & Myllykangas, P. (2017). Value co-creation in stakeholder relationships: A case study. In Freeman, R. E., Kujala, J. & Sachs, S. (eds.) Stakeholder Engagement: Clinical Research Cases. Dordrecht: Springer, 15–30.
Kujala, J., Lämsä, A-M. & Riivari, E. (2017). Company stakeholder responsibility: An empirical investigation of top managers’ attitudinal change. Baltic Journal of Management, 12 (2), 114–138.
Laine, M. & Vinnari, E. (2017). The transformative potential of counter accounts: a case study of animal rights activism. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 30(7), 1481–1510.
Laine, M., Järvinen, J., Hyvönen, T. & Kantola, H. (2017). Ambiguity of financial environmental information: a case study of a Finnish energy company. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 30(3), 593–619.
Lehtimäki, H. & Kujala, J. (2017). Trust and continuous sensemaking: Case study on internal dynamics in an industrial company. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 17(3/4), 301–314.
Lehtimäki, H. & Kujala, J. (2017). Framing dynamically changing firm-stakeholder relationships in an international dispute over a foreign investment: A discursive analysis approach. Business & Society, 56(3), 487–523.
Lämsä, A-M., Pučėtaitė, R., Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A., Riivari, E. & Medeišienė, R. A. (2017). Teaching and learning business ethics in a multicultural group. International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, 8(1/2), 83–98.
Vinnari, E. & Laine, M. (2017). The moral mechanism of counter accounts: The case of industrial animal production. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 57, 1–17.
Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A. & Inha, M. (2016). Managing stakeholder relationships: A case study of a non-profit network organization. In Sardana G. D., Thatchenkery, T. (eds.) Organization Development Through Strategic Management. New Delhi: Bloomsbury, pp. 335–347.
Kurki, V., Takala, A. & Vinnari, E. (2016). Clashing coalitions: a discourse analysis of an artificial groundwater recharge project in Finland. Local Environment, 21(11), 1317-1331.
Vinnari, E. & Dillard, J. (2016). (ANT)agonistics: Pluralistic politization of, and by, accounting and its technologies. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 39, 25-44.
Cho, C.H., Laine, M., Roberts, R.W. & Rodrigue, M. 2015. Organized hypocrisy, organizational façades, and sustainability reporting. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 40(1), 78-94.
Heikkinen, A. 2015. Climate Change and Business Organisations. Alue ja Ympäristö, 44(1), 77–79.
Heikkinen, A. 2015. Article review: How Constructions of the Future Shape Organizational Responses: Climate Change and the Canadian Oil Sands. Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 35(2), 125–126.
Kujala, J. 2015. Branding as a tool for CSR. In Wolf, R., Issa, T. and Thiel, M. (eds.) Empowering Organizations through Corporate Social Responsibility. Hershey PA, USA: IGI Global, 266-287.
Lämsä, A.-M., Pučėtaitė, R., Kujala, J., Medeišienė, R. A., Riivari, E., Bulatova, J., Kooskora, M., Brinkmann, J. & Heikkinen, A. 2015. Mixed Learning Approach to Teaching Ethics in Leadership and Management: A Case Course in a Multicultural Group. In Sardana, G. D., Thatchenkery, T. (eds.) Managing Complex Organization Change: Action-oriented Approaches for Sustaining Positive Intervetions. New Delhi: Bloomsbury, 352–364.
Rodrigue, M., Cho. C.H. & Laine, M. (2015). Volume and tone of environmental disclosure: A comparative analysis of a corporation and its stakeholders. Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 35(1), 1–16.
Ylönen, M. & Laine, M. 2015. For logistical reasons only? A case study of tax planning and corporate social responsibility reporting. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 33, 5–23.
Laine, M. & Vinnari, E. 2014. The dynamics of voluntary benchmarking in the water sector. Public Money and Management. 34(4), 297-304.
Lehtimäki, H., Kujala, J. & Thatchenkery, T. 2014. Using appreciative intelligence for developing leadership culture. In Sardana, G. D. & Thatchenkery, T. (eds.) Organizational Transformation. Change Management Perspectives. New Delhi: Bloomsbury, 3–14.
Mäkelä H. 2013. On the ideological role of employee reporting. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 24(4–5), 360–378.
Vinnari, E. & Laine, M. 2013. Just a passing fad? The diffusion and reduction of environmental reporting in the Finnish water sector. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 26(7), 1107–1134.
Kujala, J., Rehbein, K., Toikka, T. & Enroth, J. 2013. Researching the gap between strategic and operational levels of corporate responsibility. Baltic Journal of Management, 8(2), 142–165.
Correa Ruiz, C. & Laine, M. 2013. Struggling against like-minded conformity in order to enliven SEAR: A call for passion. Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 33(3), 134–144.
Heikkinen, A., Kujala, J. & Lehtimäki, H. 2013. Managing stakeholder dialogue: The case of Botnia in Uruguay. South Asian Journal for Business and Management Cases, 2(1), 25–37.
Lehtimäki, H., Myllykangas, P. & Kujala, J. 2012. Co-Creation of value in stakeholder relations. In Sardana, G. D. & Thatchenkery, T. (eds.) Capability Building for Organizational Transformation. Management Cases from Multiple Disciplines. New Delhi: Bloomsbury, 141–151.
Heikkinen, A., Kujala, J. & Lehtimäki, H. 2012. Stakeholder dialogue: MNE green field investment in Uruguay. In Sardana, G. D. & Thatchenkery, T. (eds.) Capability Building for Organizational Transformation. Management Cases from Multiple Disciplines. New Delhi: Bloomsbury, 50–65.
Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A. & Lehtimäki, H. 2012. Understanding the dynamic nature of stakeholder relationships: An empirical examination of a conflict situation. Journal of Business Ethics, 109(1), 53–65.
Riivari, E., Lämsä, A-M., Kujala, J. & Heiskanen, E. 2012. The ethical culture of organisations and organisational innovetiveness. European Journal of Innovation Management, 15(3), 310–331.
Kujala, J., Lämsä, A. & Penttilä, K. 2011. Managers’ moral decision-making patterns over time: A multidimensional approach. Journal of Business Ethics. 100(2), 191–207.
Kujala, J., Penttilä, K. & Tuominen, P. 2011. Creating a conceptual model for building responsible brands. Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies, 16(1), 6–12.
Lehtimäki, H., Kujala, J. & Heikkinen, A. 2011. Corporate responsibility in communication: Empirical analysis of press releases in a conflict. Business Communication Quarterly, 74(4), 432–449.
Mäkelä, H. & Laine, M. 2011. A CEO with many messages: Comparing the ideological representations provided by different corporate reports. Accounting Forum, 31(4), 217–231.
Apostol, O. & Näsi, S. 2010. Institutional implications for stakeholder modelling: Looking at institutions in a centralised economy. Journal of Business Ethics, 96(1), 33–38.
Laine, M. 2010. Towards sustaining the status quo: Business talk of sustainability in Finnish corporate disclosures 1987–2005. European Accounting Review. 19(2), 247–274.
Laine, M. 2010. Nature of nature as a stakeholder. Journal of Business Ethics, 96(1), 73–78.
Mäkelä, H. & Näsi, S. 2010. Social responsibilities of the MNCs in downsizing operations – A Finnish forest sector case analyzed from the stakeholder, social contract and legitimacy theory point of view. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 23(2), 149–174.
Myllykangas, P., Kujala, J. & Lehtimäki, H. 2010. Analyzing the essence of stakeholder relationships: What do we need in addition to power, legitimacy and urgency? Journal of Business Ethics, 96(1), 65–72.
Näsi, S. & Mäkelä, H. 2010. Incorporating stakeholder thinking into the neo-classical capital circulation model of the firm. Journal of Business Ethics, 96(1), 51–56.
Kujala, J. 2010. Corporate Responsibility Perceptions in Change: Finnish Managers’ Stakeholder Attitudes from 1994 to 2004. Business Ethics: A European Review. 19(1), 14–34.
Laine, E. L. & Laine, M. 2009. Finnish world shops at a crossroads in the commercialized fair trade market. Sustainable Development, 17(5), 274–283.
Laine, M. 2009. Ensuring legitimacy through rhetorical changes? A longitudinal interpretation of the environmental disclosures of a leading Finnish chemical company. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 22(7), 1029–1054.
Kujala, J., Toikka, T. & Heikkinen, A. 2009. Communicating Corporate Responsibility through Media. Progress in Industrial Ecology, 6(4), 404–420.
Vinnari, E. M. & Näsi, S. 2008. Creative accrual accounting in the public secotr: ’Milking’ water utilities to balance municipal budgest and accounts. Financial Accountability & Management, 24(2), 97–116.
Kujala, J. & Pietiläinen, T. 2007. Developing moral principles and scenarios in the light of diversity: An extension to the multidimensional ethics scale. Journal of Business Ethics, 70(2), 141–150.
Wilts, A. & Skippari, M. 2007. Business-government interactions in a globalizing economy: Introduction to the special issue. Business & Society, 46(2), 129–135.
Lämsä, A-M., Riivari, E. & Kujala, J. 2013. Company responsibility to employees: Top managers’ attitudinal changes in Finland from 1994 to 2009. Proceedings of the 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference. ISSN 2298–3112
Heikkinen, A. 2013. Lost in translation – Understanding climate change as a business issue. Proceedings of the 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference. ISSN 2298-3112
Mäkelä H. & Laine M. 2013. Critical insights on accounting education – integrating social and environmental accounting into the Finnish business curriculum. Proceedings of the 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference. ISSN 2298–3112
Ylönen M. & Laine M. 2013. For logistical reasons only? A case study of tax planning and corporate social responsibility. Proceedings of the 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference. ISSN 2298–3112
Penttilä, K., Kujala, J. & Tuominen, P. 2012. Responsible branding: Fact or fiction? In Timmermans, H. (ed.) Proceedings of the Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference 2012.
Kujala, J, Lehtimäki, H. & Hagman, S. 2011. Practices of middle management in international organizations: Depicting the discourse of trust. In Seppä, M., Helander, N. & Ilvonen, I. (eds.) Proceedings of EBRF 2010. Tampere: Tampere University of Technology, University of Jyväskylä and University of Tampere, Aalto University. 10 pp. CD-ROM Edition. Electronic edition in
Lehtimäki, H., Kujala, J. & Heikkinen, A. 2011. Global dispute on sustainable business: Analysing MNE-stakeholder relationships in local media texts. In Lakkala, H. & Vehmas, J. (eds.) Trends and Future of Sustainable Development. Proceedings of the “Trends and Future of Sustainable Development”. University of Turku: Finland Futures Research Centre, 359–370.
Heikkinen, A., Kujala, J. & Lehtimäki, H. 2010. Change in stakeholder relationships: An empirical examination of a conflict situation. In Siltaoja, M., Lämsä, A-M. & Kujala, J. (eds.) Proceedings of the 11th EBEN Research Conference ”From Theory to Practice – How Does Business Ethics Matter?”. Jyväskylä, 25–39.
Kujala, J. & Penttilä, K. 2010. Responsible brands: Literature review and preliminary framework for empirical research. In EBRF 2009 Conference Proceedings “Research Forum for Understanding Knowledge Society”. Tampere: Tampere University of Technology, University of Jyväskylä and University of Tampere, 12 pp. CD-ROM Edition. Electronic edition in
Kujala, J., Lehtimäki, H. & Heikkinen, A. 2010. Dynamics of relationships. Stakeholder networks in a conflict situation. 3rd Bergamo-Wharton Joint Conference “Stakeholder Theory(ies): Ethical Bases, Managerial Applications, Conceptual Limits”, July 1, Bergamo, Italy.
Kujala, J., Penttilä, K. & Tuominen, P. 2010. A Conceptual Model for Building Responsible Brands. In Siltaoja, M., Lämsä, A-M. & Kujala, J. (eds.), Proceedings of the 11th EBEN Research Conference ”From Theory to Practice – How Does Business Ethics Matter?” Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä Press, 40–54.
Apostol, O. & Näsi, S. 2009. Business talk on corporate – Employee interaction as an evolutiontary process: The case of Romania. In Rehbein, K. & Roman, R. M. (eds.) Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the International Associaton for Business and Society, 184–195.
Kujala, J., Lehtimäki, H. & Toikka, T. 2009. From communication to dialogue: How to enhance stakeholder involvement through information sharing? In Rehbein, K. & Roman, R. M. (eds.) Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the International Associaton for Business and Society, 453–463.
Kujala, J. Toikka, T. & Heikkinen, A. 2009. Communicating Corporate Responsibility through Media. In Koskela, M. & Vinnari, M. (eds.) Proceedings of the Conference Future of the Consumer Society. Turku School of Economics: Finland Futures Research Centre, 100–110.
Mäkelä, H. 2009. The narrative employee reporting in Finland – Constructing the common goal of continuous growth and development. Proceedings of the 8th Australasian Conference on Social and Environmental Accounting Research. Christchurch, Uusi-Seelanti.
Apostol, O., Näsi, S. & Laine, M. 2007. Emerging corporate social responsibility thinking in developing countries: increased societal expectations or process of knowledge transfer? In In Wempe, Ben & Logsdon, Jeanne M. (eds.) Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the International Association for Business and Society.
Kujala, J., Lehtimäki, H. & Merikari, P. 2007. Strategising and firm-stakeholder interaction in media texts: The pulp mill conflict in Uruguay. Abstract in “Global Governance, The Role of Business and Its Implications for Companies, Stakeholders and the Society”, Parallel Session Overview of the 6th Annual Colloquium of the European Academy of Business in Society (EABIS), Barcelona, Spain. Sessions%20Guide.pdf.
Kujala, J., Merikari, P. & Enroth, J. 2007. Putting corporate responsibility in practice: Examining the gap between strategic plans and operational actions. In Wempe, B. & Logsdon, J. M. (eds.) Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the International Association for Business and Society, 192–196.
Laine, M. 2007. Sustainable development? Business rhetoric of sustainability in Finnish corporate disclosures 1985–2005. In Wempe, B. & Logsdon, J. M. (eds.) Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the International Association for Business and Society.
Laine, M., Mäkelä, H., Näsi, S. & Apostol, O. 2007. Sustainability reporting in municipalities. Fad, mimicry, or true development? In Wempe, B. & Logsdon, J. M. (eds.) Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the International Association for Business and Society, 192–196.
Rehbein, K., Skippari, M. & Wilts, A. 2007. Links between corporate political resources, strategies and performance in different countries: A cross-country comparative study on the role of political institutions. In Wempe, B. & Logsdon, J. M. (eds.) Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the International Association for Business and Society.
Skippari, M. & Holmlund, P. 2007. The evolution of market and non-market strategies in a changing regulatory environment. In Wempe, B. & Logsdon, J. M. (eds.) Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the International Association for Business and Society.
Skippari, M. & Rehbein, K. 2007. Strategic value of CEO political connections: A contingency framework. In Solomon, G. T. (ed.), Academy of Management 2007 Annual Meeting Proceedings.
Kujala, J. & Näsi, J. 2006. Changes in Finnish managers’ strategic priorities: Moral attitudes, stakeholder orientation and economic interests. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Association for Business and Society.
Lehtimäki, H., Kujala, J. & Rehbein, K. 2006. Examining strategy documents in the Internet: How companies express multi-voicedness and stakeholder inclusion. In Seppä, M., Hannula, M., Järvelin, A-M., Kujala, J., Ruohonen, M. & Tiainen, T. (eds.) FeBR 2005. Frontiers of e-Business Research 2005. eBRF 2005 Conference Proceedings. Volume 2. Tampere: Tampere University of Technology and University of Tampere.
Näsi, J., Näsi, S., Kujala, J. & Sajasalo, P. 2006. Homecoming of entrepreneurship. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Association for Business and Society.
Skippari, M., Näsi, J. & Mitronen, L. 2006. Strategy logics of successful entrepreneurs in retail business. In Christopher, M., Payne, A. & Ballantyne D. (eds.) EIASM Workshop on New Directions in Relationship Marketing (extended abstracts).
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Heikkinen, A. 2014. Discursive Constructions of Climate Change Engagement in Business Organisations. Acta Universitatis Tamperensis 1996. Tampere: Tampere University Press. 167 pp. link
Kujala, J. & Lämsä, A-M. 2013. Multidimensional moral decision making. Communication Director, 02/2013, 72–75.
Laine M. 2013. A commentary on sustainability + accounting education: The elephant in the classroom. Accounting Education: An International Journal, 22(4), 333–335.
Correa, C. & Laine, M. 2013. Rejoinder: Respecting the past, celebrating the present, shaping the future. Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 33(3), 153-155.
Apostol, O. 2011. Supporting whose Interest? Discussion on corporate social responsibility in business media texts – The case of Romania. Acta Universitatis Tamperensis 1591. Tampere: Tampere University Press. link
Siltaoja, M., Lämsä, A-M. & Kujala, J. (eds.) 2010. Proceedings of the 11th EBEN Research Conference 2010 “From Theory to Practice – How Does Business Ethics Matter?” Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä Press. 319 pp.
Laine, M. 2009. A way of seeing corporate sustainability reporting. Acta Universitatis Tamperensis 1486. Tampere: Tampere University Press. link
Myllykangas, P. 2009. Sidosryhmäsuhteet liiketoiminnan arvon luomisessa. Palveluyksiköstä liiketoiminnaksi, episodi yrityksen elämää. Acta Universitatis Tamperensis 1387. Tampere: Tampere University Press. link
Rodrigue, M. & Laine, M. 2009. To whom we are talking? A commentary of the SEA symposium at the EAA2009. Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 29(1), 17–22.
Laine, M. 2008. Codified accounts on codified discourses. A review of the AAAJ special issue ´Accounting as Codified Discourse`. Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 28(2), 95–98.
Laine, M. & Mäkelä, H. 2008. Scholarly interest in social and environmental accounting in Finland. In Hyvönen, T., Laine, M. & Mäkelä, H. (eds.) Laskenta-ajattelun tutkija ja kehittäjä Professori Salme Näsi 60 vuotta. Tampere: Department of Economics and Accounting, University of Tampere, 209–223.
Kujala, J. 2007. Suomalaisten johtajien sidosryhmäsuuntautumisen muutos 1994–2004. In Kamppinen, M. & Nurmi, P. (eds.) Vastuullinen liiketoiminta ja systeemiajattelu. Coreco Research Papers. Kulttuurien tutkimuksen laitos. Turku: Turun yliopisto, 60–79.
Heikkinen, A. 2014. Haastattelu: EBEN Suomi ry:n konkarit ja uudet jäsenet. (Interview about members of EBEN Business Ethics Network). Yritysetiikka (Business Ethics), Vol. 6, No. 1. pp. 50–51.
Heikkinen, A. 2014. Maria Ojakoski EBEN Suomen hallituksen uudeksi puheenjohtajaksi (EBEN Finland’s new chairperson). Yritysetiikka (Business Ethics), Vol. 6, No. 2. p. 52.
Heikkinen, A. & Mäkelä, H. 2014. Vastuullisen liiketoiminnan tutkimuspäivät 2014: Teemoina vastuullisuustutkimuksen edistäminen ja yhteiskunnallinen yrittäjyys (Responsible Business Research Seminar 2014). Yritysetiikka (Business Ethics), Vol. 6, No. 1. pp. 56–59.
Heikkinen, A. & Riivari, E.. 2014. EBEN:in tutkimuskonferenssi Lissabonissa 9.–11.11.2014 (EBEN Research Conference 2014). Yritysetiikka (Business Ethics), Vol. 6, No. 2. pp. 50–51.
Heikkinen, A. 2013. Pääkirjoitus: Tunnetta pelissä. (Editorial: Emotions at stake). Yritysetiikka (Business Ethics), 5(1), 2–3.
Heikkinen, A. 2013. Haastattelu: EBEN Suomi ry:n konkarit ja uudet jäsenet. (Interview about members of EBEN Business Ethics Network). Yritysetiikka ( Business Ethics), 5(2), 32–34.
Laine, M. 2013. Objektiivisen laskentatoimen illusio. Alusta! Yhteiskunta- ja kulttuuritieteiden verkkolehti (31.1.2013).
Finér, L., Laine, M. & Ylönen, M. 2012. Verosuunnittelu vauhdittaa Stora Enson sellusampoa. Talouselämä, 76(23), 38–43.
Kujala, J. 2012. Sitä saa mitä tilaa – Menestyksen mitta ja mittarit. (You get what you order – Measuring success.) In Kujala, J., Myllykangas, P. & Sauer, E. (eds.) Kokemus johtaa! (Experience is leading!) Tampere: Tampere University Press.
Kujala, J., Myllykangas, P. & Sauer, E. (eds.) 2012. Kokemus johtaa! (Experience is leading!) Tampere: Tampere University Press.
Laine, M. & Vinnari, E. 2012. Yhteiskuntavastuun tavoitteet ja mittarit vesihuoltolaitoksilla. Vesitalous, 53(3), 8–10.
Mäkelä, H. 2012. Yritysten yhteiskuntavastuuraportointi. Yritysetiikka (Business Ethics), 4(1), 18–28.
Heikkinen, A. 2011. Haastattelu: R. Edward Freeman: Suomessa vastuullisuus ja eettisyys ovat luontainen osa liiketoimintaa. (Interview about R. Edward Freeman), Yritysetiikka (Business Ethics), 3(2), 48–50.
Heikkinen, A. 2011. Sidosryhmäverkostot Botnian sellukiistassa (Stakeholder Networks in the Botnia Pulp Dispute), Yritysetiikka (Business Ethics), 3(1), 6–22.
Heikkinen, A. 2011. Tutkimusta, teoriaa ja käytäntöä. (Research, theory, and practise). Yritysetiikka (Business Ethics), 3(1), 30–32.
Vinnari, E. & Laine, M. 2011. Vesihuoltolaitosten yhteiskuntavastuuraportointi. Vesitalous, 52(3), 25–27.
Kujala, J., Lämsä, A.-M. & Penttilä, K. 2009. Johtajien asenteet ja niiden muuttuminen liiketoiminnan moraalisia ongelmia kohtaan (Managers’ attitudes and their change towards moral problems in business.) Yritysetiikka. (Business Ethics.)
Näsi, S. 2007. Yritysten yhteiskuntavastuu ja osuustoiminta. Osuustoiminta-lehti.
Kujala, J. & Kivi, E. 2006. Vastuullinen brändi ja miten se tehdään. (Responsible brand and how it is done.) In Lehtimäki, H. & Suoranta, J. (eds.) Kasvattajan brändikirja. (Teacher’s brandbook.) Helsinki: Finn Lectura. 10 pp.
Laine, M. 2006. Kestävää kehitystä – mitä yritykset raportoivat?, Ympäristö ja Terveys, 37(6), pp. 24–28.