Tampere Institute for Advanced Study (Tampere IAS)

The Tampere Institute for Advanced Study is a university-level research community offering the most competitive researchers the opportunity to focus on their own research and career advancement and to broaden their research horizon. The Institute grants fixed-term Research Fellowships to researchers in all scientific fields represented at Tampere University. The Institute also invites leading international researchers for short visits, collaborates with similar institutes, and organizes scientific events.

The Tampere IAS Call for Applications 2024

The final decision on the Research Fellowships was made on 13 May 2024.
The appointed Fellows as well as other applicants have been notified of the decision.

The next application period is expected to be:  February – March 2025

To apply for the available positions in 2025, please go to
Open positions at Tampere University

More detailed instructions
in the job postings (link to be added)