Earlier master’s theses

Students of this programme have written their master’s theses in a wide range of topics and you can do that too. The goal of Global and Transnational Sociology programme is to open a wide door to the world of interests: if you are interested in movements, political discourses, policies, NGOs, supranational structures etc., you can shape your interest together with us. Below you can read about some of the topics our students chose for their master’s theses.


One work has analysed the digital activist movement Avaaz, “the globe’s largest and most powerful online activist network” facilitates global identification and global consciousness, while another one offers insight into the discourses about blasphemy laws in Pakistan. Another thesis has discussed digital political manipulation focusing on the Cambridge Analytica scandal, while a different thesis dwelled on the process of legitimacy gaining of platform parties. Yet another thesis explored the relationship between science and politics in climate action focusing on the media discourse in Finland around the regulation of land use, land use change and forestry.


Besides the above-mentioned topics many other phenomena have been discussed, putting an emphasis on global issues and the discursive processes which shape social change.