Mesh Test Network
The new Wirepas mesh test network started operations within Tampere university Hervanta campus in Spring 2019. The initial network size was 100 nodes and currently the networks consists of 350 nodes. There are two different kind of networks: low-latency and energy saving modes for the nodes. The nodes have several different kind of sensors including temperature, humidity, (air) pressure, carbon dioxide, proximity, brightness measurements. The devices are manufactored by several different companies, including Treon, Sensoan, Salcomp, Ruuvitag and Fujitsu.

LoRa Test Network
The LoRa test network was implemented in 2018 and provides a campus-wide coverage area for the network. It is part of Digita’s nation-wide LoRaWAN network.

Sigfox Test Network
Sigfox network is available throughout the campus area. It is part of Connected Finland’s nation-wide Sigfox network.