Democracy, political representation and equality in new online publics

This study aims to trace conceptions of representational democracy formed in new online publics, especially as it appears in tweets sent by politicians and commented by journalists. The tweets are analysed through the following questions:

1) What things politicians and journalists highlight in their tweets and the discussions following those tweets? Which areas of politics are those discussions connected to?

2) To whom are the tweets directly or indirectly aimed at and what kind of political communities are they forming?

3) What kind of political journalism is this (informing, discussion, criticism etc.)?

4) What new interpretations about political representation, democracy and equality are formed based on these discussions?

This research follows especially the public discussion produced in tweets by the political elite, government and party leaders, and journalists. The data is formed from discussion threads from this public debate. Political communities, communication and issues are analysed based on these discussions. The study makes use of network analysis, but mostly the data is analysed by means of qualitative research.

Duration: 1.10.2013-

Project director: Iiris Ruoho, +350 40 190 4510,

Researcher: M.A. Eliisa Vainikka, 050-3185947,

Research group:

Professor Erkki Karvonen, University of Oulu (information studies)

Dr. Soc. Sc. Jaana Kuusipalo, Tampereen yliopisto (political science)

Dr Soc.Sc. Jiri Nieminen, Tampereen yliopisto (political science)

Dr.Pol.Sc. Erkka Railo, Turun yliopisto (political history)

The project is funded by Helsingin Sanomat Foundation.


Twitter politics – democracy, representation and equality in the new online public spheres of politics (Abstract)

Eliisa Vainikka & Jukka Huhtamäki (2015) Tviittien politiikkaa – Poliittisen viestinnän sisäpiirit Twitterissä. Media & viestintä 38(3).